I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: EmeraldOne.6089


Howdy Guild Wars 2,

I’m looking for something with a specific list of wants in mind. First off maturity is a huge thing, I want to deal with exactly 0% BS, so if all members were adults that would be cool. (I know age =/= maturity, so cases can be made) Secondly, along with maturity, my fellow guildmates should be all around decent and good people who just want to enjoy themselves, have a bit of escapism, but put their real lives before gaming. Thirdly, I want to actually do things together, people should be socializing and actually enjoying each others company while playing. Fourthly (Which is apparently a word, and not to be confused with fourthmeal. ) I’m interested in all aspects of the game, but none of it quickly. I have absolutely no desire to rush through all the content to reach some sort of paradise that is “end game,” I want to take in each zone, and actually treat the game like a game, not some sort of goofy e-sport or a job. If we wipe on a dungeon or get our behinds royally handed to us in PvP, dude I could not care less as long as we have fun doing it.

So at the end of the day let’s just chat, hang out, kick some donkey posterior, and have a good time. Cheers.

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunasun.2491


Hello Emerald,

I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cozy laid back guild, if you dont mind to change servers.
We have members from Europe, the US, and other parts of the world.

We have 95 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we
still maintain to keep the family feeling.

We have a mature member base, I would not mind taking a few
younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.

Although we are small, we have a very active group of people
now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.

We have weekly organized WvW/PvP, Dungeon & FotM runs, and even Music Night, and our members do all those activities together with other guild members every day as well.

We use RaidCall to talk, and a lot of us are on there on a daily basis as well.

Please take a look at our forums: http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/

Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld

I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch!

Note: if our server looks like its full, all of our members managed to transfer within 10 minutes, hope that helps:)

in game character: Xena Love/Luna Loves, whisper me any time.

Guild Leader of: We R In Style – Server: Underworld
http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/WeRInStyle

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Silke.1695


Hi EmeraldOne,

I have linked Oni Clan’s recruitment overview and link below. However, I also wanted to speak to you on a more personal level.
I completely understand your list of criteria when looking for a Guild. Finding like minded folks to; A. enjoy the game and it’s content with. B. Having the support and knowledge base to improve yourself as a player and your guild mate’s as a team, and C. (albeit the most important) a sense of humor and camaraderie, is a daunting task. I think if you like what you see when you come by our website, you will find many more folks to have a great time playing GW2 with. (In addition to many other types of gaming. Our members have wide and varied gaming experience and interests. Our Guild Leader is currently working on developing one too! ~ way over my head though~).
I guess what I am getting at is, that we are a gaming community in every sense of the word. With the emphasis on real people with real lives enjoying some fun times together. Thanks for reading and I hope we hear from you soon. We are on the Kaineng server.

Oni Clan is recruiting respectful,mature,fun players veteran&new! All Guild Upgrades/Many Level 80s/Forum/Voice-chat/Events/Buffs/Dungeon,please apply @ http:/oniclan.enjin.com ,thanks!

Toasted Coaster

(edited by Silke.1695)

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Tawyn.5691


Hey EmeraldOne,

ASq are a fun, friendly, relaxed & mature guild on the Gandara server. We are an English speaking guild, mostly European based at the moment with a couple of members in the EST time zone but would like to recruit members in all time-zones to support all players at all times.

We are currently a very small player base especially following the unfortunate natural drop of initial players growing bored quickly of GW2 & becoming inactive but those of us that remain play regularly & we are looking for active & regular players to help our guild grow & progress in all areas of the game. We also welcome casual players & solo players that are looking for a relaxed place to chat & group as & when they feel for it. We fully appreciate & understand that life always comes first & this is just a game to have fun in & so anyone that has reached member rank or higher do not lose their guild status even if inactive for any period of time & this is something I would only be forced to consider if/when we ever reached the maximum cap of 500 members.

We organise regular dungeon/fractal runs (currently schedule 4 a week numbers permitting & further ad-hoc runs often occur through the week with a mix of guild/PuG as necessary at the moment) & monthly WvW runs (these will no doubt increase as the players require) & help each other as much as we can whenever & wherever needed. We use mumble & have a full website including forum & event calendar available for our members at www.asq-guild.org, feel free to check it out and/or whisper me in game.

Good Luck finding your guild-home & have fun wherever you may settle.

GL of ASq (Gandara, EU)

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Mogwai Trainer.7890

Mogwai Trainer.7890

Hi EmeraldOne,

If you are on Tarnished Coast or don’t mind transferring, Relics of Honor sounds like a good fit for you. Check out their cod of conduct for more details.

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Leohan.1096


My guild is Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM], here is the official forum post that gets lost in the masses, check us out, you are welcome to join our community at any time.


Guild: Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
World: Isle of Janthir (NA)

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Sydyshka.3729


Hi EmeraldOne

if you don’t mind changing server then you may be interested in joining Darkveil on Gandara.
We are European with players from UK and the continent. We all have jobs etc so aren’t hardcore, but we do like to have some fun together.
We are building our close knit community and looking for mature players (over 20) to join us for dungeons and some WvW. There is also a group starting that wishes to do regular pvp & Tpvp.

If you are interested then please apply on our Forum or /w Sydyshka or Ixord in game for a chat.

Hope to hear from you soon.


I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Heya EmeraldOne,

I like how you think

Jaded[Jade] on Darkhaven is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members and there is no application process. We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have active forums and a vent server. We’re a laid back, easy going bunch and are enjoying our Jaded adventures together in GW2!

Things you can expect from joining Jaded:

- Friendly Guildies
- Dungeon parties
- Light PvP, both WvW and Structured
- Guild Boosts: 10% Magic Find & 5% Experience constant, 15% Karma on weekends
- An abnormal love for Quaggans

Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings, mostly East coasters with a current average online between 30-35 players during the week, weekends experience a higher influx of Jadites playing.

Take a gander over at our forums over at:

If we sound like the right home for you, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers and/or the in-game mail system. We’ll get back to you asap to answer any questions you may have.

Guild Co-Leader – Vecuu Raine
Guild Co-Leader – Raelin Flameseeker
Guild Treasurer – Shira Nolar


I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Sir Cusfreak.5971

Sir Cusfreak.5971

Great post, Emerald.

There’s a chance we might be the group you’re looking for.

We would love to get the chance to speak with you, and if you’re interested, we can find out if we’re a good fit or not.

I’ll drop a link to our standard spiel, but just a few quick things about us:

We’re a 150-ish member guild and I would guess at the very least 90% being over age 25, and I would be pretty surprised to find out even half are under 30. We have several couples/pairs and there are some RL family ties amongst a few people as well. We keep a 30’ radius of drama-free zone at all times. We have a good time. We have an excellent group of people and zero BS.

Honestly, we have stopped heavily recruiting for right now because we’re pretty happy with our group size, but we are still keeping our eyes out for folks who we think may be like-minded or fit well with us.

If I’ve caught your attention at all, you can see our main recruitment post for a little more info:


Feel free to give us a shout if you like. If not, best of luck and hopefully you find a good home guild.

Happy Hunting

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Flumbooze.9137


Hey there Emerald! I think you are a possible candidate for our guild We have kind of the same mindset.

Read this thoroughly before even considering applying.

The Fudge- Packers is a mainly social guild that tries to excel in the game as much as possible without forsaking our daily lives or relationships with others. We’re experienced with the system of guilds already. We’ve seen many try but few succeed to have a guild where people actually know each other, interact with each other in a way friends would do and help each other.

We are your second family in Tyria, where you can be yourself and enjoy the game with people that want to work together to reach a certain goal. Due to our friendly atmosphere we don’t want to limit your interaction or make every conversation feel forced and thus people are free to speak as they want (except when they’re being annoying obviously.) Our banter might come over as rude to some and as fun to others. People that are easily offended and can’t deal with criticism shouldn’t join. Sidenote: Even though our name is Fudge Packagers, we’re not a (strictly) homosexual guild, but we accept everyone. Just so we’re clear.

When to apply:
• You’re at least sixteen years of age. I do not care wether you are mature or not, this is one of the few restrictions we have.

• You do not suck at the game. There’s a difference between being an active player and a good player. We do not require you to have the best gear or to always get the best DPS, but we do require you to put some effort in your playstyle and try to improve. If you can, get better gear. If there’s a better tactic, use it.

• Have a thick skin and be able to handle criticism. If you screw something up, people will criticize you and will tell you how you can improve. If you can’t improve, there’s no place for you.

• This includes having a good laugh with you fellow friends. Our humour can be rude, we’re not afraid of jokes about stereotypes and you shouldn’t be either. Again, if you’re easily offended, do not join.

• Enjoy the game and participate in the community. We do not like people that log on once in the evening to run a dungeon and then disappear until the next dungeon run. You don’t have to be with us the whole time, but we are a community and not only a source for good gear, gold or materials.

• Have some confidence. We will gladly help you in the game but we can only do so much. If your attitude is ‘I can’t do that, I’ll let others do it for me.’ Then this is not the guild that you should join.

We encourage you to hop on the teamspeak once you’re accepted. We’re having a great time and we think it’s nessecary to communicate with each other this way. We understand that some people aren’t always in the mood, but we do not appreciate people that only communicate through the in-game guild chat.

Do you think that you’re good enough to be a Package Fudger?

If you want to apply, please visit our website and go to the forums: Fudge- Packers

(Note that the forums were only just created and thus there are no member registered as of yet.)

(edited by Flumbooze.9137)

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Basher Barbie.4961

Basher Barbie.4961

Hello there!

I saw your posting looking for a guild. I wasn’t sure if you had found one yet. We have a good combination of friendly, casual and driven adult, 21+ years of age players. We are an all adult, laid back and funny, and maybe slightly wrong in all the right ways kind of guild!

We are a North American guild. Our guild name is Death Becomes Us [ZomB]. We are on the Yak’s Bend server.

We have a combination of east, central and west coast players so we have a variety of players on for a good range of hours of the day and night.

We are primarily pve but have a nice balance of pvp/wvw people too. We also have a lot of members who have gotten into crafting. We also help each other out with fractals, dungeons and getting monthly achievements. Because we are casual, we don’t have anything scheduled, but there always seem to be enough people game for a dungeon or fractals run or help on a quest if you ask!

We do have voice servers such as mumble and vent set up but never require people to use them if they don’t want to. In fact, we don’t require anything of our members except to have fun and enjoy the game!

You can check out out our guild website here: http://deathbecomesusgw2.enjin.com/.
The best way to contact me is to email/message me in game as Basher Barbie.
Let me know if you would like more information!

Thanks, and hope to see you in game!

Guild Leader for Death Becomes Us [ZomB]
IGN: Basher Barbie

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: papaganoosh.7908


  • Website: www.the-unnamed.com
  • Recruitment Status: OPEN for dedicated PvP players (Open to all races/classes.)
  • Region: UK/EU (Anyone outside of these regions can still apply.)
  • Age Requirement: Applicants must be 18 or over.
  • Play-style: Semi-Hardcore / PvP
  • Guild Leader: Benki
  • Officers: Aeonax, Bladeh, Kaboom, Papaganoosh, Phoru, Snort

Hi Buddy,

The Unnamed is a semi-hardcore European Guild looking to recruit for PvP players. Since beta when being on Desolation, we have moved to Gunnars Hold and then to Blacktide before coming back to Desolation which we believe to be the most consistent server for players interested in both forms of PvP. Our recent move here is focussed on recruiting a WvW force large enough to take on the other zergs and blobbing kittens of tier 1, as well as consolidating and building upon our three active SPvP teams by basing ourselves at the centre of European SPvP in the Desolation mists.

Back on GH and BT we roamed WvW in force and did our part in contributing to the WvW effort. We decided to move over to Desolation because the WvW community didn’t feel strong enough for us on BT, and although we had an unbeatable server it was at the sacrifice of the good fights that we are now back to return to our old BETA stomping ground.

As it stands we WvW as a guild on a Tuesday and Thursday night, and although there is a solid WvW presence most nights, Monday and Wednesday are our usual SPvP focussed nights. There are of course members who SPvP or WvW 24/7 and this just improves our community.

If you want to be a part of a guild and community of players who care about PvP and work well as a team while having a good laugh along the way, then The Unnamed will suit you just fine. We are semi-hardcore and we take our PvP seriously, though we also like to have fun with it as well, so we can also be laid back and a great laugh too. We also stick by a rule that real life always comes before in-game, having learned that this is the best way to keep members happy over the fives years we have been playing games together.


- When in PvP you must be present on Mumble
- You must always represent The Unnamed when in WvW or SPvP
- If online, you are required to join our compulsory Tuesday night WvW (RL commitments will be excused)

How to Apply

To apply, make an account on our website and then head over to our WvW application form: http://www.the-unnamed.com/wvwapp
Or our SPvP application form:

A response may take a few days, as our Officers are usually very busy with leading, so please be patient when waiting for acceptance!

Thanks for reading and hope to see your application soon!


Officer, The Unnamed [EU]

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: KingslayerKeebs.9382


Hey EmeraldOne,

Sent you a PM with more detailed information about us. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Thanks.

Friskosmash | 80 Warrior | [MF] Malum Factum
Yak’s Bend

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

Good day,

I run an actively casual guild on Devona’s Rest and we’re always looking for more players interested in joining our ranks. We have weekly events, such as dungeon runs and WvW, but we’re also the spontaneous type that will decide on the hour to do something. We’re very patient and all adults who are just interested in a fun gaming experience.

You can find our guild posting here:
The Burning Eden [TBE]

You can always contact us in game if you’d rather have a conversation and get a better feel for what our guild is about. Feel free to add me to your friend list as I’m on every evening.

~Meri Shadows

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: stevorob.8139


Website: http://blackcurtains.enjin.com (Apply Now)

Valor is a semi-hardcore guild full of humble elitists. We are a tight knit community that has persisted across multiple games for 3 years, including LOTRO, SWTOR, LoL, and GW2. We cater to every form of game play, but with a particular focus on World PvP. All of our leadership are either ruggedly handsome or stunningly beautiful in their own minds, and lack even a hint of narcissism. If you’re a skilled player looking for a guild that excels at all of the competitive aspects of Guild Wars 2, this may be the place for you. If you’re an unskilled player, but you have a good sense of humor, a strong jawline, or a supple bosom, then this may also be the place for you.

You can read our guild history here.

A Competitive Philosophy…
In Valor, we strive to have as much fun as possible, whilst bashing as many faces in as possible. Our philosophy is simple; “Good people, good players”. Never one without the other. We encourage members, no matter how casual or hardcore their play style may be, to strive for excellence, and to be the best player they can possibly be.

As with all games we play, we focus on the competitive aspects primarily. A day not spent bathed in the blood of our enemies, be they rival players or devious boss monsters hell bent on world domination, is a sad day indeed. We believe that a strong community, member dedication and consistency, and properly implemented strategies while competing allow us to reinforce this philosophy of play.

Our website is the central hub for information. From it, we have links to our Facebook and Twitter feeds for up to date news, our event calendar for WvW raids and dungeon night information, forums, and Ventrilo status. We ask that each member signup and register, and be as active as possible on the forums.

While a microphone is not a requirement for guild membership, we do require members to be logged into Ventrilo during any scheduled events. This helps us maintain effective communication while raiding, to ensure that each member has the most current information on tactics and strategies, and is able to respond to any instruction quickly and efficiently. It also insures we maintain our strong community bonds.

Many of the members of Valor are long-time MMO veterans. With this experience, we aim to provide guidance and assistance to any of our newer members, be it new to the game and the guild, new to MMOs, or just new to gaming in general. We will work with anyone that may have questions regarding gear, builds, or just general guidance on their character progression. All that we require is that you show initiative and a willingness to learn and accept criticism.

Contact us in game, apply on our website, or chat with us in Ventrilo.

In Game Contacts
Leaders: Jacbo (Jacbo.7598) / Zydia (zidia.3675)
Recruitment Officer: Gwyllyn or Selierana (stevorob.8139)
Officers: Piztola (Pistol.6159) / SlaterBBX (Slaterbbx.3805)


blackcurtains.instantvent.com Port 5079