[IoJ] Love and War [PvX/WvW] Highly Active Guild LF Dedicated Members

[IoJ] Love and War [PvX/WvW] Highly Active Guild LF Dedicated Members

in Guilds

Posted by: Fate.5961


Our new, but highly active guild (1 week old, 25 members) is looking for a few more core, dedicated players to join our tight, friendly crowd. We’re especially looking for PvX players with a big emphasis on WvW, as we plan to have a big presence in WvW. It’s also the perfect time to join our guild – we’re new, making it easier to fit in and carve out your own role, but with the hardest part of a founding a guild out of the way (surviving the conception, finding some core members, upgrading essentials like the guild workshop, bank, armorer, etc.).

Our players are NA based and many of us are in college, recent grads, or are young, working adults, so we’re a mature crowd. Despite having lives, we are full of experienced gamers and MMO players, some with HoM achievements, and we are working to build a semi-hardcore guild, but in a casual manner.

Our rules are simple and straightforward – be active, continuously strive to learn and improve, be able to hold your own, and help out and contribute to the guild – the basics of any great guild. We’re also a very tight, friendly group, and are looking for people who will fit well with our group. Despite having a positive culture, our members are also competitive and are working towards building a top guild.

Members are encourage to play the way they know best and specialize in their field. Whether it’s WvW, PvP, dungeons, crafting, or playing the market, there are many ways to play and even more ways for members to contribute in their own way. Essentially, our only requirement is to be an awesome, dedicated guild member – your playstyle, gaming history, current GW2 progress , or real-life orientation need not matter. If this sounds right for you, then we welcome you to join us and make our guild your home!

We do have voice communication options available, especially for WvW. For WvW, our guild focuses either on tactical strike teams or coordinating an assault with our allies. We tend to rely less on zerging and more on adapting to the current war situation. Our guild has also recently joined the Isle of Janthir Council alliance.

  • Note that while optional, we strongly prefer players to have a mic available for organized events, such as for the tougher dungeons and big WvW runs.

If you would like a quick look into our beginning, please be free to check out this post: http://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/zvz61/gw2pvxwvwjanthirnew_guild_love_and_war_gathering/

If you’re interested in joining or have any questions, please be free to reply here or contact me in game (whisper or mail). See you in game!

Illustrious Leader of
Love and War [LAW]

(edited by Fate.5961)

[IoJ] Love and War [PvX/WvW] Highly Active Guild LF Dedicated Members

in Guilds

Posted by: Fate.5961


Some of our leaders that can invite in game: Guardian of Janthir, myrror, tikoy, Sara Blackbird, biorage

Membership is now at ~40.

Illustrious Leader of
Love and War [LAW]

(edited by Fate.5961)

[IoJ] Love and War [PvX/WvW] Highly Active Guild LF Dedicated Members

in Guilds

Posted by: Fate.5961


One thing that many people have been asking about is the application process.

Screw that.

One of our leaders will personally interview you one-on-one, in live chat (in game or even voice chat), and make a selective decision on the spot. In other words, if you contact me directly, I will make the effort to do so myself. No generic responses about applying on a site or sending you off in circles going on here.

In respect to that, I do request all potential members to contact us only if you’re serious about learning more about our guild and have the capability to meet our expectations – be active, keep improving, hold your own, and contribute. The first part can be replaced with dedication. The second part is as simple as having an open mind. The third can be substituted with effort. And the fourth is basic for any guild – help fellow members, join up with groups, strengthen the guild, etc. You’re welcome to meet these requirements in your own way. “Eighty percent of success is just showing up.”

This is not a guild created to recruit mindless drones who need to be told when to eat and sleep. You will be your own person here, a true member of the guild. Your role as a member will be determined by you. Some people like to just do things and be awesome at it, while others like to lead and organize. Whether you like to step up as a leader or work to become a top tier player, that decision will be left to you.

You’ll also be able to easily meet our top secret rule if you actively look for it or can go out and create some on your own. Our #1 rule is this: have fun! Join us and have fun. After you do that and get to know us a little bit, then we’ll be able to really go have a blast!

If this approach fits your style, then please come give us a ring. The door is still wide open!

Illustrious Leader of
Love and War [LAW]

[IoJ] Love and War [PvX/WvW] Highly Active Guild LF Dedicated Members

in Guilds

Posted by: Fate.5961


As a GW2-based guild, our in-game roster is occasionally cleaned up to most accurately represent our active members as possible. As we’re a tight, friendly group, and we understand things happen in life that may make members temporarily unavailable for a lengthy period of time, we have also grandfathered back a member into a guild with minimum fuss.

Due to the alarming rate that we’re growing (~65 members), we plan to cap membership at 100 members. Potential candidates will be interviewed, be required to represent our guild, and be active. Our leadership has taken these steps in order to help build a stronger guild community with active and friendly, quality players. We want to be able to know every single member in our guild, even as we grow. As the saying goes, “slow and steady wins the race”!

Illustrious Leader of
Love and War [LAW]

(edited by Fate.5961)

[IoJ] Love and War [PvX/WvW] Highly Active Guild LF Dedicated Members

in Guilds

Posted by: Fate.5961


We are specifically looking for the following players:
- active, competitive, friendly players
- semi-hardcore WvW players
- webmaster
- a graphic artists
- a English-speaking Korean translator (must be able to type/communicate – diplomat)

Leadership roles that may be available for the right person:
- full time guild recruiter
- secondary guild recruiter, also responsible for following up on new members
- guild diplomat / PR official
- event organizer – must be proactive, organized, and outgoing/likable
Depending on the ability and responsibility of the person, one of these positions can directly lead to the GM’s second-in-command officer.

Other senior membership and guild officer roles may be acquired by a number of criteria, particularly via merit.

Our simple rules:
- be active (and just give a notice when you can’t play)
- be loyal (this means register and represent)
- keep trying to get better (be able to hold your own and have a winner’s mentality)
- contribute (help each other out, be an active member of the guild, and participate in events when available)

Finally, we are huge fans of rewarding members based on merit and foster a positive environment where members are encouraged to step up and help each other up. We also encourage members to voice their opinions and ideas, such as for guild events.

We also look for people who’ll mesh together with our group. This means we’re looking for gamers with a great attitude that’ll help keep our culture friendly and positive. Let’s save the rage and hate for the smashing of our enemies!

Illustrious Leader of
Love and War [LAW]

(edited by Fate.5961)

[IoJ] Love and War [PvX/WvW] Highly Active Guild LF Dedicated Members

in Guilds

Posted by: Fate.5961


As we have taken a more active role in WvW, Love and War is now looking for strong allies on the Isle of Janthir. If you are interested, then please contact me. We are always looking for new friends to roll with on our great server.

Our guild has seen our server rise from mid-tier to the current rank of #3 over the last few weeks. As our guild has been making a difference during our WvW runs, we wanted to give more information about our WvW aspect to our prospective members.

1. As a GW2 based guild, LAW has been able to have as much of a presence as larger gaming communities in our server. As we are a GW2 guild, our members do not have the option of joining a WoW/SWTOR raid on an event night in order to be considered an active member. If large guilds have trouble fielding a dozen players on a scheduled night, and our guild can easily field as much on a casual night, then our guild may have entered the point where we can now officially call ourselves a WvW guild.

2. As smart gamers, our guild is very flexible in WvW. Depending on the situation, our guild deliberately makes the choice to either assist our server’s zerg with their current operation or to pave a new path for our server to take advantage of. In addition, LAW actively tries to work with allies, other IoJ guilds, and the public in order to focus on what really matters – gaining and maintaining points in order to win. While we understand that it may be important for some older communities to maintain an air of elitism and to dismiss the pugs, our leadership strongly believes it makes more sense to be more elite in action and less in words.

3. As a newer guild, our members are more driven and determined to make a significant impact in WvW. Some of the things we do include getting the ball rolling on a Saturday morning after the enemy night team wipes the map, to setting up sieges to take towers before announcing our attack, to holding off attacks on our supply camps when greatly outnumbered, to making diversion attacks to distract enemy zerg from our main objective, to leading attacks on forts and organizing its defense, such as putting up guild buffs and buying upgrades, to directly leading to a rapid keep cap, to knowing when to retreat and when to stop running and counter-attack, and to speed capping sentries and supply camps just seconds before the point tally – our guild is determined to do whatever it takes to make an actual contribute to our server. In addition, we have many great PvP’ers and gamers, which has surely helped when we’ve been grossly outnumbered.

4. Finally, every member matters in our guild. You’re not just another face in the crowd and your contributions will be seen, and noticed, by your leaders. You can also directly approach your leaders to talk about your concerns, to communicate your ambitions, and to suggest new activities for the guild. In LAW, we do not throw the fun and the social aspects of a guild under the bus to be competitive. We will absolutely strive to be the best, but we plan to have a ton of fun doing it!

If you’re an active, fun, mature, and naturally competitive player, then shoot me a message so we can have a chat. A two way conversation will do far more for us than a forum post.

Right after capping a tower http://s3.mmoguildsites.com/s3/gallery_images/509103/original.jpg?1350787122
Buffing the bay after a serverwide effort
Protecting a tower and rebuilding defenses after driving back the enemy

(Basically, if you just want to see our emblem).

Illustrious Leader of
Love and War [LAW]

(edited by Fate.5961)

[IoJ] Love and War [PvX/WvW] Highly Active Guild LF Dedicated Members

in Guilds

Posted by: Fate.5961


This thread will no longer be updated due to internal changes. Although we stopped actively recruiting for last 3 weeks, there has been some minor leadership changes and a shift in philosophy. Our guild is now focused on looking for more hardcore, community-oriented players in order to take things to the next level.

Please see: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/IoJ-WvW-Love-War-LAW-Now-Recruiting

Illustrious Leader of
Love and War [LAW]