Is It Worth Creating a Guild?

Is It Worth Creating a Guild?

in Guilds

Posted by: Aurrynthea.7581


I only ask because I have had a guild since the game first went live and have found it nigh on impossible to recruit new players!

Everyone wants an active guild but all guilds must start out with a few players and then grow, or so I first thought. Instead the majority of large guilds I’ve come across seem to have 100’s of members from the get go, so I can only assume they recruit outside of the game and by the time a player logs on they have already joined a guild.

Which again leads me back to the active members query: I want active members but with so few I can’t guarentee some one will be on all the time because we just don’t have the numbers but we can’t get the numbers untill we get active members….and around and around we go!

If anyone would like to offer CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions as to ways to generate members I would be greatly appriciative.

I’m not lost, I know exactly where I am…I just didn’t want to be here right now.

Is It Worth Creating a Guild?

in Guilds

Posted by: Hyro The Collector of Souls.5739

Hyro The Collector of Souls.5739

keep at it and keep recruiting i know the feeling i’m working on making my guild, it has 6 members 2 are going to join… just keep it up and be nice about things
you are welcome to join us if you like we are looking for active people too
… most of my time is consumed by work and the like i play when i have days off

Is It Worth Creating a Guild?

in Guilds

Posted by: DangurXtreme.5093


We are in the same boat. People join at a very, very slow rate. I understand the attraction of a huge complete guild, but for me, I enjoy being with a smaller group that you become friends with and have a good time.

As you can see by ours.

You just have to give it time, or just join another that catches your eye.

Good luck!

Is It Worth Creating a Guild?

in Guilds

Posted by: Neksis Syxx.6983

Neksis Syxx.6983

Starting a guild is easy; it’s 1 silver. Having it not die on the vine is quite costly in terms of time, effort, and sometimes money (i.e. site fees, voice server fees, etc.).

My best advice is to avoid being generic. Have a hook that will get people in. For instance, my guild, Just Us Grown Ups [JUGs] (shameless plug, I know) targets the over 30 crowd. Find your niche—something that will stand out. Also, make sure you let people know which server your on. Now that transfers are no longer free, that can be a deal-maker or breaker.

Also, it helps to have other members at some point attest to the quality to the guild by leaving a comment under your recruitment post. This will reinforce the image of your guild as well as bumping your post back to the top of the forums; recruitment posts can sink to the second page within hours.

You can’t just make a post and expect them to beat a path to your door. You have to scour these forums and look for posts by people seeking guilds. Reply to their posts and emphasize the positive aspects of your guild and downplay the negative.

Lastly, don’t give up. This is my first guild (as leader) and I’ve often been disheartened throughout the recruiting process, but then you get someone to join and then it all seems worth it. I’ve been recruiting for about a week and I’m close to twenty members.

Lastly, once you get someone to join, keep them. Group up. Get a dungeon run going, hold their interest. Playing the game by themselves with nothing to show for it but your tag isn’t what they’re looking for.

Hope this helps. Good luck with your guild!

Just Us Grown Ups [JUGs] –
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375

Is It Worth Creating a Guild?

in Guilds

Posted by: Aurrynthea.7581


LOTS of great suggestions!

As for the amount of money I’ve poured into the guild…I could have probably bought a full set of legendary armour !!!

I wish I could offer dungeon runs but I am hopless at them! I tried to recruit a few dungeon gurus to get it going but they have either left to join a million+ guild or have just stopped logging on !?!?!?

I really hope they get the alliance feature up and running as I think that might be the life line for the smaller guilds but until then I’ll try and stay positive and keep at it

I’m not lost, I know exactly where I am…I just didn’t want to be here right now.

Is It Worth Creating a Guild?

in Guilds

Posted by: Grotesque.6480


As Neksis said, recruitment is an important factor and VERY time consuming. Having some sort of social skill certainly helps in the process. There are several ways to get on it, as creating your personal guilds image and how youre being viewed in the wide world.

Marketing is very important!

Team Aggression [TA]

Is It Worth Creating a Guild?

in Guilds

Posted by: Darkkist.5412


TBH if you cant lead dungeons that is one of your issues so my advise would be to learn some easy ones like AC or COF ..Furious Rising is my guild on Ring of Fire server ..we started with a core group of 8 of us and now we have a roster of 270 members and yesterday had 105 unique log ins and also 35ish people turn up for a WVW event…

It is not easy and you must devote your gaming life to ensuring your guild is active – I can practically solo AC explore path 1 for example on my ele (well can easilly carry 4 new lvl 35’s through it) so we recruit in lowby areas and run AC explore path 1 as soon as they get 35 to show them how to play an instance.

Most of our lvl 80’s joined when they were ‘new’ to GW2 and have grown in the guild and we now have 8 strong officers and 8 senior members to help carry the weight but to start with you need to have 2 clear months where you sacrifice your own time and money (investing in a teamspeak or vent channel really really helps build guild community and good for successful runs)

Remember moral plays a huge part so dont get in a group with 5 lvl 40’s and try doing fractals as your first mission, play it safe and do a run you know you will win, people like winning not losing! Dont jump the gun keep it steady and as a leader you will need to sacrifice your own personal gain but remember building a guild has its own personal satisfaction.

Catch me in the game if you want to chat further I am usually online from 6.30pm gmt – midnight gmt

Darkkist – 80 Elementalist
Guild leader of Furious Rising
Ring of Fire