[Jade Quarry] The Cimmerian Brotherhood

[Jade Quarry] The Cimmerian Brotherhood

in Guilds

Posted by: TuhtleSoup.5064


The Cimmerian Brotherhood [vOid] is recruiting players of all skill levels with a focus on PvX.

We participate in Dungeons, SPvP, and WvW on a casual basis.

We have been playing Guild Wars since first release and wish to continue our activity in Guild Wars 2.

We offer players a Ventrilo server to use for grouping and a Steam group to use as a primary website. The Steam group can be found at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tcbvoid

If you would like to join please reply to this topic or contact Zombie Liz (Draezha.9834) or Tuhtle Soup (TuhtleSoup.5064)


(edited by TuhtleSoup.5064)

[Jade Quarry] The Cimmerian Brotherhood

in Guilds

Posted by: TuhtleSoup.5064


You know at least some of you want to join. We recruit people from any server.

And we have cookies, milk, turtles, and females who are 12 year old boys who are FBI agents.

[Jade Quarry] The Cimmerian Brotherhood

in Guilds

Posted by: TuhtleSoup.5064


Bumping this topic to refresh recruitment.