[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Seeking members for dungeon running and events. Gem giveaways. hit us up if your interested in joining

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


Seeking members for dungeon running and events. Gem giveaways. hit us up if your interested in joining

i love this man he does hard work and i wish to reward his hard work with my hard applause

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


I wish my hard work was awarded with new members lol. We would love to have anybody who hasn’t found a home on Jade Quarry yet. Dungeon runs, events and lots of other stuff. Guild Missions as soon as we get enough members. Contact info is still the same. If you can’t reach us in-game please join our Ventrilo, we would love to have you

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Still looking for members. Trying to get an event together for gem giveaways but we need more members and more ideas. Come join us!!

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


Still looking for members. Trying to get an event together for gem giveaways but we need more members and more ideas. Come join us!!

yes giveaways after 40 members!

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: Butch El Magnifico.4720

Butch El Magnifico.4720

Hello. I have been looking for a friendly active guild to do dungeon runs and other world events with. I like to WvW every now and then too. It seems like you guys are the kind of people I have been looking for. Let me know what I need to do for an invite. Thanks.

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Well Butch, my game is updating at the moment so i’m not in game. If you go back to our original post you should see our Ventrilo information. I’m not sure how familiar you are with Ventrilo but if you can come on here i will gladly get you set up

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: Butch El Magnifico.4720

Butch El Magnifico.4720

That reminds me of a question I forgot to ask. Is vent a requirement to use all the time or is it used mainly for dungeons and stuff? I’m not opposed to using it for dungeons and the like, but I’ve never been one for using it for just playing around.

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


If you have Ventrilo we prefer you to be on it at the times you are playing Guild Wars 2. That way our other clan leaders who don’t play Guild Wars 2 can see that you are an active player. Plus we do dungeons all the time so there is never really a point where you wouldn’t be on Ventrilo anyways lol. And even if we were just messing around it saves you from having to minimize game and start up Ventrilo and get on the server as you will already be on

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


That reminds me of a question I forgot to ask. Is vent a requirement to use all the time or is it used mainly for dungeons and stuff? I’m not opposed to using it for dungeons and the like, but I’ve never been one for using it for just playing around.

yes undead is correct

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Around what time do you get on the game Butch? I can’t ever catch you online lol

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: Butch El Magnifico.4720

Butch El Magnifico.4720

Around what time do you get on the game Butch? I can’t ever catch you online lol

I’m usually on at around 7:30 P.M. Pacific time during the week and most of the day on the weekend.

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Bump! Still recruiting for our CGU family! If you don’t have a clan and you like the same stuff we like there is no reason not to join! Come on over!!

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


Bump! Still recruiting for our CGU family! If you don’t have a clan and you like the same stuff we like there is no reason not to join! Come on over!!

yes yes we are always recruiting

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


CGU Gaming is an amazing group of people I personally know the leaders of the GW2 guild and they are a crazy and fun group of people.

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: xRyotoken.2571


CGU is still looking for players of any skill level to join us!

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


hugs ryotoken

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: xRyotoken.2571


CGU still looking for active players to join us in pve gaming!

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


yes, this guild is amazing!

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: PaulyG.6304


Hey, I would LOVE to join your guild if possible.

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: xRyotoken.2571


Whats your IGN? I can add you to the guild Also do you run vent? Because we tend to try to stay on chat with the people whoa re in game or just on at the time.

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


Hey, I would LOVE to join your guild if possible.


[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: xRyotoken.2571


CGU is still looking for recruits :P come join us in dungeon runs, or just hang out!

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


recruiting our butts off, i need a new butt