Knights of the Ash [KotA] - Sanctum of Rall

Knights of the Ash [KotA] - Sanctum of Rall

in Guilds

Posted by: Geilnor.3541


Knights of the Ash [KotA] Now Recruiting
Last Updated: 02/03/2013

Guild’s Current Status
Member Count
Our current member count as of 02/03/2013 sits at 55.

Guild Upgrades

  • Politics: Level 5
  • Guild Armorer/Weapons/Emblem all upgraded
  • Art of War: Level 2 (Being worked on)
  • Economy: Level 4
  • Architecture: Level 3
  • Guild Workshop/Stash (50 Slot) upgraded

Consumable upgrades are built such as 15% Karma for 24 Hours, 20% Dungeon Influence for 24 hours etc. Guild Banners have also been built such as Karma and Magic Find. These consumables will become more available when the guild begins to grow allowing more influence intake to have continuous flow of upgrades.

Who are we looking for?

Just about anyone is qualified to join Knights of the Ash. We do prefer people who are 18 yrs or older just to keep a decent maturity level but from time to time we do accept the youngins. To expand:

  • All races/professions/levels are welcome
  • No experience needed, we accept noobies as well as veterans
  • People who like to socialize and use RaidCall
  • Laid back chill casual gamers / we do accept the semi hardcore and hardcore players as well. I myself have clocked 750 + hours so far.
  • People who will represent ATLEAST 90% of the time

What do we do?

We like to experience all sorts of content in Guild Wars 2. Most of the time we like to do dungeon runs with other guild mates. As a guild we have successfully completed all paths of every dungeon up to and including all Arah paths! As a result some of our guild mates now boast a new Dungeon Master title! Dungeons are done almost every day with guild mates.

SPvP / WvWvW
I, love to SPvP. I just recently got into and I love it. Its thrilling and exciting and heart racing combat to me, especially as an Ele. (SO MANY SPELLS). I convinced quite a few of my guild mates to participate in SPvP with me as well and they loved it. So in short, yes, from time to time we SPvP. Its always fun to go against your guild mates and test your abilities. As for WvWvW we often participate in defending and assisting our server. We’ve been stuck in 4th (NA) place for so long I’d love to see some progress. We always try to run in our groups disturbing near-by Supply Camps or just in general causing problems. At times we also will join the zerg train if they are making some progress.

General PvE
When I say General PvE I mean things like jumping puzzles, fighting dragons, or just doing fun events around the world. Anything that doesn’t fall into PvP or PvE (Dungeons) we also like to do. From time to time you’ll find us asking if anyone wants to go find all the diving points or complete all the jump puzzles. (Almost done myself) :P

How do we communicate?

We use Raid Call. A simple Google: “RaidCall” will get you the latest version that we use. It is similar to Ventrillo however servers are set-up for free and have fairly large capacities. It also has a nifty chat feature right in the client without having to click anything extra. Our server info (RaidID), will be given upon joining the guild. You’ll see it in the GMOTD (Guild Message of the Day).

How do I get an invite?

Simple. If I or one of the two officers is online simply whisper them saying you saw our post on or the Guild Wars 2 forums and are interested in joining. If you any further questions feel free to ask them. If none of us are on at the time, simply send us in game mail and you will soon see a guild invite pending.

We hope to see you guys soon!

(edited by Geilnor.3541)

Knights of the Ash [KotA] - Sanctum of Rall

in Guilds

Posted by: Geilnor.3541


Through a busy schedule I’ve managed to do a bit more recruiting. We now sit at 40 members and still actively seeking more people to dungeons and WvW/PVP with!

Knights of the Ash [KotA] - Sanctum of Rall

in Guilds

Posted by: Magical Things.8465

Magical Things.8465

How many are usually on during prime time?

Knights of the Ash [KotA] - Sanctum of Rall

in Guilds

Posted by: Geilnor.3541


How many are usually on during prime time?

Sorry for the late response, just saw your post now. During the afternoon because our population isn’t to high (43 Members currently) we don’t have to many players online. Currently we have 6. Later in the evening it tends to pick up to around 12+. I’ve seen 16 at one point. Usually this is because the age group in our guild seems to be around 18 + so most of us, if not all, have classes to attend or a job during the afternoon.

Knights of the Ash [KotA] - Sanctum of Rall

in Guilds

Posted by: Geilnor.3541


Posting an update to the guild status.
Member Count: 45
Peaked at 14 online this evening! Making some nice progress!

Upgrade to Tier 5 politics is shy of 3k away.
All information has been reflected above.

Knights of the Ash [KotA] - Sanctum of Rall

in Guilds

Posted by: Geilnor.3541


We have officially hit 50 members now and hopefully will continue to grow!

Tier 5 Politics is now being built, and we are beginning to save Influence for some much needed WvW upgrades

Knights of the Ash [KotA] - Sanctum of Rall

in Guilds

Posted by: Geilnor.3541


Our member count just hit 55 earlier today! We are starting to see more guild activity peaking about 12 – 15 players in the afternoon/evening. We are making some great progress in recruitment and expansion and are hoping to find more great players to add to our growing community!