LF Active PvX Guild Stormbuff Isle

LF Active PvX Guild Stormbuff Isle

in Guilds

Posted by: PinkElephant.2018



I just came back from a long time without playing since the game release.
It is really boring to play mmo alone, so Im looking for an friendly and active guild.

Im a level 56 Elementalist, was 50 a day ago, asura.

Im from Brasil but I would like to join a multi-nationality guild, I think it is a better experience.

I do understand and speak English, portuguese(br) and a little of Spanish.

Im active, but the time online variety 2-6hours depending on the day. I use teamspeak or raidcall – would be better if the age of the guildmates be 18+

nickname: Hellsgate


LF Active PvX Guild Stormbuff Isle

in Guilds

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Hey there, Hellsgate!

It’s nice seeing people on Stormbluff Isle, and I figure you seem like the type of person who would enjoy the guild I’m a part of, and the people therein. VZ is a medium-sized, casual + PvX guild on your server, SBI, and even though we’re casual (no forum requirements, play when you want, do what you want when you’re on), we make sure that when we play content together such as dungeons, we play at the top possible level so the runs go as smoothly as possible. We have several different nationalities in the guild, some Canadian, some American, some from Asian countries, and so forth. I’m unaware of any other Brazillians, but there’s a first time for everything, eh? We use Teamspeak (we use the SBI TS more often than not), and we play all content in the game, including TPvP, PvE, and WvW (I’m a commander, myself, and lead periodically). Lastly, we’re all mature players with careers more or less or who are in college, so we’re very mature.

If that sounds at all interesting, feel free to either post in the thread linked in my signature, mail me in-game, PM me here, or whatever. I’d be happy to talk to you further. Either way, I hope you find what you’re looking for in a guild; it really helps the enjoyment of the game.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

LF Active PvX Guild Stormbuff Isle

in Guilds

Posted by: PinkElephant.2018


Thanks for the awnser,

I send you a pm!

See you ingame.

LF Active PvX Guild Stormbuff Isle

in Guilds

Posted by: Grotesque.6480


Dear PinkElephant,

We from Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] are an international Mature PvX guild playing on Desolation [EU]. As we are an international guild, we have members from all over the world. We mainly reside in USA / Canada / Europe and Asia! Therefore, we have members online at all times ready to do some dungeons or WvW runs!

As of right now, we have over 265+ Members inguild with a daily login varying from 180 ~ 220 members online and around 60 ~ 90 members online at the same time.

As we are a PvX guild, we are several Officers appointed to specific game types such as PvP, PvE and WvW. They organize scheduled runs through the week whom you can join if youd want to be sure to hit a party. Outside those scheduled events, we organize alot of guild events and other parties all the time!

We have all of our Guild Missions unlocked and run them quite often through the week. While our main event is on Sunday, we do often schedule events through the week for our members in order to get their Commodations!

Nonetheless, we strongly recommend checking out our website incase you’d like to know more about us, make sure to check out our website at http://www.exg-guild.com! Feel free to reply or PM me incase you wish to know more info about us!

Best Regards,

Team Aggression [TA]