LF Classy Guild, Mornings/Daytime NA Time...

LF Classy Guild, Mornings/Daytime NA Time...

in Guilds

Posted by: Chuo.4238


Hey all,

Trying to find a nice, classy guild of mature folks for some WvW/Dungeon/sPvP fun that has active people in the mornings/daytime North American time. And I’m a little picky, so I don’t mind if you are, too

I am currently fielding a L80 Guardian.

I have my group of online friends, but due to my unusual scheduling, I generally find myself playing alone. I’m sure there are some morning/daytime guilds out there!

Me: I’m well into adulthood, quite friendly, and generally want to enjoy the game with groups. I love WvW and dungeons particularly, and occasionally hop over for some sPvP when I get the competitive urge.

I do want to emphasize WvW – if your guild actually organizes a few people for WvW, and it’s morning/daytime, and you are classy, I’m probably VERY interested in joining you.

I’m very active (I am online most days for at least an hour or two), play hard, and am looking to make some good gaming acquaintances. Essentially, I love the game, and love playing in groups.

I prefer a higher quality of play, but this does not mean that I am elitist, nor am I unwilling to learn or teach. It does mean that I will generally try my best, and that I most enjoy the company of those who feel the same way. I also have a life – which is why I’m not applying to the guilds who expect GW2 to be my life.

I don’t have much tolerance for emo kids, ragers, elitist kittenry, beggars, cheaters, mooches, and general snobbery and hate. So I’m probably not looking for you gigantic guilds who invite anyone. I want to enjoy my game-time, not deal with drama.

I am quite willing to use TeamSpeak/Vent/whatever.

I am quite willing to fill out an application, provided it’s for the purpose of screening out undesirables, not establishing the length of one’s kitten.

I know I just threw out a lot of filters and criteria, but hopefully this saves everyone involved some effort and disappointment!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

(Edit: I am laughing hard at how the forums change some words to ‘kitten’!)

(edited by Chuo.4238)

LF Classy Guild, Mornings/Daytime NA Time...

in Guilds

Posted by: bladie.5084


Hey Chuo, Aeterna [Ae] is trying to form itself into an International Guild and is on it’s way there actually! We do have some hardcore player too that play from night time to during the morning and afternoon! And yes we like to party for just about anything especially WvWvW! The beauty of new MMO’s is that there is always something new to learn. Lets learn from each other and become a better player!

Ferguson’s Crossing Server – Aeterna [Ae]
IGN: Alpha Bladie, Toilieban, Applex, Woo Doo

LF Classy Guild, Mornings/Daytime NA Time...

in Guilds

Posted by: xvi.2468


Creators of eXtreme Nightmares is a large multi-gaming clan that is currently setting up a Guild Wars 2 department. We have a Steam group with over 50.000 members following us every day. Our goal is to set a name in this Guild Wars community as well.

We are currently looking for people to strengthen our team for Guild Wars 2. If you are looking for a small group (the Guild should have a member base of 50 to 75 members in the end) of players that want to have fun in every aspect of the game, then you are in the right topic. We want to do raids, dungeons, PvP, WvW and achieve to have our map complete. None of this will be on hardcore base, but on a very social and friendly base. Play the game when you have time, real life is also important. Of course you have to stay active within the Guild/Clan, but we do not ask from you to stay online 24/7.

We have set the follow requirements:

- Be active.
- Be mature!
- 18+ would be preferred, although you could join when you are younger, but act older.
- Check out the website/forum every once and a while.
- Be able to use TS3 with a working microphone.
- Be able to speak decent English.

What do we have to offer?
- A friendly and social Guild in the game Guild Wars.
- A membership of a clan that has a well-known name in the gaming world.
- A platform (website, forum, TS3 and Steam community) were you will find friendly people to play others games or just socialize with.
- A TS3 server always filled with people ready to socialize or play a game.

As last I would like to add that we have people from all over the world in the Clan. Both North and South America, Europe and even people from India. We don’t recruit on country, everyone is welcome.

If you would like to join the Guild/Clan, please message me in the game (xvi.2468 – Underworld server) or talk to me on the TS3.
