LF Devona rest

LF Devona rest

in Guilds

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Hey im lookin for a devonas rest guild i main thief right now

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

LF Devona rest

in Guilds

Posted by: OutspokenAardvark.9781


Do you enjoy WvW but can’t find a dedicated group to play with? Are you looking for a group of people to join you in your quest for Legendaries and dungeon armor? We are the synthesis. Dissentient or [DIS] is a tight-knit Guild Wars 2 community that focuses on advanced tactics in WvW and dungeon running. We pride ourselves on having a great competitive WvW experience while keeping a warm, friendly and helpful atmosphere. Whether you’re looking for advanced WvW, an active dungeon running community or a group of friends, Dissentient is the answer.

Dissentient is on Tarnished Coast. Why did we choose Tarnished Coast as our home server? TC is known for three things: Having a mature and friendly community, roleplaying, and never giving up even if we’re in dead last in WvW. A steadfast competitive experience where PvP and PvE can meet gracefully. This is exactly what we want to emulate at Dissentient. In WvW, we are making a name for ourselves and we want to expand our influence. We have 15 active commanders who are willing and able to organize guild members and pugs into a force that dominates all opposition.

[DIS] Offers:
> 170 Active Members (and growing)
> Tarnished Coast is a Tier 2 WvW Server (Not too hardcore but very competitive)
> Heavy coverage during NA Prime time
> Dedicated (and snazzy) website at http://dissentient.org
> Active Mumble Server
> Dedicated WvW Commanders and Advanced Tactics
> Daily Guild Events: http://events.dissentient.org
> Daily Guild WvW Pushes
> Daily Dungeon Runs
> 12+ Legendaries
> 15+ Commanders

If you have any questions, please visit http://faq.dissentient.org as it tells you everything you could possibly want to know about Dissentient. If you would like to register to join Dissentient, please visit http://join.dissentient.org. If you would like to contact one of us feel free to post on or site, or send mail/whisper our WvW Officers: Rhyme and Ruq Aluna or our guild leader: Zeegarl. Hope to see you in game and on the battlefield!

Rhyme – Commander
[DIS] Dissentient – http://dissentient.org
[TC] Tarnished Coast