(edited by S E Florida.3657)
LF Guild/Players from Florida/East US, on FA
Sent you a PM.
Knights of Ares [ARES] - Apply Now
Website: http://knights-of-ares.enjin.com/
Hey SE!
Actually, one of our officers is from West Palm, FL! And we are on FA [UM] is a very active PvX (PvE, WvW and sPvP) guild with an active schedule! I’ll post our guild blurb and let you find out more about us that way.
Good luck in your search and thank you for reading!
Who We Are
We are a PvX guild with a pride in respecting others, no matter their play style or play level. We also are tight knit and enjoy getting to know one another through activities such as Dungeons, WvW, Fractals, sPvP, or partying up in PvE to do Orr events and
Dragons, and even helping with lvling main characters and alts.
The Unholy Mackerels has a core group of active members and we are building upon that, however doing so slowly so we get to know each and every one. We currently are a medium size guild with 61 members and with ~25 of us active daily, consisting of mostly NA members.
We are quite the social guild through teamspeak and guild chat. We use teamspeak but do not require it. Our newer members can listen in on the first few days and talk when they feel comfortable, however most talk within minutes because of how easy going everyone is!
What We Do
We currently run weekly scheduled WvW, Dungeons, Fractals, Guild Treks and Guild Bounties and do any of the above throughout the week off schedule. Also we provide FUN events and random guild chat trivia with prizes. There is always something going on daily, usually any time after 6pm EST – 2am EST during the weekdays and any time during the weekends.
What Server We Are On
You can find us on the Fort Aspenwood server. A tier 2 server for WvW, has quite a busy PvE population in maps, has a friendly community forums for all things GW2, also has a community teamspeak where everyone is welcome and also has our own guild channel (however we use our private TS in most cases), and a server that enjoys working together through good communication while playing to just have fun.
What if I’m not on FA?
No fear! UM allows recruits to guest for up to a month in order to help everyone to have time to gather in game gold or irl money in order to transfer. Our staff and members are also more than willing to help by running events to help out! With all the events we run it is very easy to make the money to transfer in as little as a week.
How to Join Us!
Take a look around on our website to see more about us and our events we run and click “Join” to fill out our simple and easy app. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any one of us, we would definitely be happy to answer!
GM: Rits.4036
Officers: Jinxey.4173
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood
Basically just what the topic says…preferably a guild located in the eastern U.S. Mostly PvE, but would like to get into PvP, WvW for someone who doesn’t mind a little teaching. Honestly, just looking for a guild with good people to play the game with on a fairly consistent basis.
Thanks in advance!
Forgot to mention, I am on Fort Aspenwood server.
Crimson Guards United Gaming Recruitment :
In 2003 a small group of friends founded CG to play casually and focus our time on one game. It soon took off into more then one game and developed into what we now call “Crimson Guards United” gaming. Guild Wars 2 was chosen for its impressive MMO game play style which sets itself apart from most MMO’s and as of right now we have been openly recruiting on Jade Quarry.
Founder: “I would like to welcome those who have just joined and to show everyone my thanks for the support, we will be hosting Gem giveaway’s when we reach 40 members on Guild Wars 2. CGU had already held more then a few youtube giveaways and gained new subscribers. For that we from CGU Gaming salute you all.”
Guild Focus: Right now our main focus for the guild is PvE Dungeoning, Dailys, Monthlys, and Group Events. Once we recruit more members into CGU we will shift our focus from this to Guild WvW and the newly added Guild Missions. We know some members like to do Dungeons or just PvE in general more than doing WvW or PvP so now members are required to do one or the other. Here with CGU Gaming we believe in letting every member do what they enjoy in-game and we believe in-turn thats what makes the Guild better as a division.
Division Requirements :
So, we wanted to set up a strong division here on Guild Wars 2 and so far its on the right track. We are currently accepting all skills levels and character levels. Our only requirement is 16+ years of age, to keep drama out of our guild so every mature player can have a fun experience in our guild. To join our leadership you must show you will be active, show you have what it takes to lead, and be able to promote CGU. It won’t we easy to start off but the leadership positions may go fast. We usually let our current active members on Guildwars make the final decision who they want to represent them.
Additional Requirements for Leadership :
Age 18+
Active on ventrilo
Other Divisions CGU Games on :
We are also currently playing on Planetside 2, League of legends, Minecraft, World Of Warcraft, Smite and others as well. For every game we play on we make it our mission to unite our fellow crimson guards of gaming.
For more information please visit our website http://www.cgunited.net
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact these IGN :
cgu fairyduster
More Contact Information :
Ventrilo : cgunited.maxfrag.net Port : 44192
RaidCall ID : 5383646
E-mail : cgunitedgaming@gmail.com
Hey S E Florida! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Sea Of Sorrows