LF Guild, Preferably on SoR

LF Guild, Preferably on SoR

in Guilds

Posted by: Mavfox.1837


Two players looking for a friendly and social guild. So far we’ve got three level 80 characters each and are still gearing up. We’ve played endgame on other MMO’s and are looking to have fun with GW2 next.

Mostly interested in PvE content, but we both enjoy sPvP and WvW from time to time as well so Sanctum of Rall guilds are prefered.

We play often, but are looking for a relaxed guild. Basically just not wanting scheduled runs or WvW.

LF Guild, Preferably on SoR

in Guilds

Posted by: Dark Revan.7634

Dark Revan.7634


I sent you a PM but here is our recruitment page in the forums: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Potluck-Massacre-PLUM-is-recruiting/

LF Guild, Preferably on SoR

in Guilds

Posted by: Mavfox.1837


Bumping… also I can’t respond to PMs for 2 days since I only created my forum account yesterday (been playing on and off since beta4 though, just never made an account on the forums).

Still looking for guild. Haven’t gotten many PMs or responses so hoping to see a few options before deciding. Still have the Sanctum of Rall requirement though.

LF Guild, Preferably on SoR

in Guilds

Posted by: Mavfox.1837



Wow page 4 of this section after 15 hours. I’ve gotten 3 messages total so still looking for options.

LF Guild, Preferably on SoR

in Guilds

Posted by: timmyf.1490


My guild, Super Mega Happy Fun Time may be a good fit. We’re pretty casual, mostly do PvE with a bit of WvW, and prefer to be a small guild of friends as opposed to a large guild of random people looking for max guild buffs.

Our typical night is a bit of chatter on Guild Chat to see who wants to do what… and then doing it. We do dungeons and fractals occasionally, a lot of exploring and alt-leveling, and a lot of general Tom-foolery.

If you’re interested, just shoot me a message here or in-game (Loki Karaoke) and I’ll send you and your friends an invite. No pressure or requirements to rep.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org

LF Guild, Preferably on SoR

in Guilds

Posted by: Krave.4069



I’m the leader of [KORE] Kings of Real Excellence. We are a fairly new guild just transferred from Henge of Denravi to Maguuma. Our focuses are WvW PvX and Beating the Content. We’re at about 50 members right now but continue to grow as the days pass. Guild upgrades are being built but need time due to our recent transfer. We use the Maguuma Mumble for WvW but have our own Ventrilo server for guild use. With my co lead Sweaty Swede and Officers we’ve developed a great community that is always looking for new members.

Interested? Visit http://gwkore.shivtr.com

There you can learn more about us, and apply. Applications will be reviewed daily.

If you’d like to contact me in-game : Krave.4069

LF Guild, Preferably on SoR

in Guilds

Posted by: Grotesque.6480


Dear Mavfox,

We from Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] are an international Mature PvX guild playing on Desolation [EU]. As we are an international guild, we have members from all over the world. We mainly reside in USA / Canada / Europe and Asia! Therefore, we have members online at all times ready to do some dungeons or WvW runs!

As of right now, we have over 214+ Members inguild with a daily login varying from 130 ~ 150 members online and around 50 ~ 70 members online at the same time.

As we are a PvX guild, we are several Officers appointed to specific game types such as PvP, PvE and WvW. They organize scheduled runs through the week whom you can join if youd want to be sure to hit a party. Outside those scheduled events, we organize alot of guild events and other parties all the time!

Nonetheless, if youd like to know more about us, make sure to check out our website at http://www.exg-guild.com! Feel free to reply or PM me incase you wish to know more info about us!

Best Regards,

Team Aggression [TA]

LF Guild, Preferably on SoR

in Guilds

Posted by: NorthStar.3798


Hey Mavfox !

We are on Sanctum of Rall and we are very active and friendly semi-hard core guild that focus mostly on WvW and PvE. If you have been in EB this week I am sure you have seen some of our commanders running around!

Our website can be found at http://www.VengeanceClan.com and can tell you a lot about us. If you have any questions please PM me here or in the game!

Sanctum of Rall