LF PvE/Event guild [Seafarer's Rest EU]
Checkout BOOM, very nice guild, with lots of activitys during the week and alot members online during every time of the day.
Hi McSorran,
I am a member of Pandion Knights, guild currently playing on Seafarer’s Rest. We are mature, casual and friendly guild. We often do dungeons, fractals and some of us like to do wvw too. We have guild events and we do guild missions. I will not boast about my guild, just go to our website and check it yourself http://www.pandionknights.co.uk/ and if you like what you see post you application on our forum http://www.pandionknights.co.uk/forum/index.php?/forum/9-request-for-pk-membership/ .
I have sent you pm you with more details.