LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

in Guilds

Posted by: Cymb.6815


Hi and thnxs for reading.

I am in my mid 20’s and a casual gamer. I focus on work and life for the most part, but in the evenings or weekends enjoy running around in GW2. My main is an exotic geared mesmer, but if I find a guild whos really into pve I would be into gearing other toons as well.

Just looking for a laid back active guild that runs dungeons, events and WvW for fun. I’m Willing to transfer servers for this, but am currently on Gates of Madness.

LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

in Guilds

Posted by: Atrix The Brave.5769

Atrix The Brave.5769

I’m about in the same situation as you, but I have a guild on Northern Shiverpeaks called Valor and Glory [VG]. If you are interested we run all of those things, we are very laid back and fun and mature. If you are interested, reply here or message me in game at Atrix The Brave.

LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

in Guilds

Posted by: Blade.3456


Not sure on your timezone mate, but feel free to check us out:
95% Aussie with a few cheeky Kiwi’s for good measure.

Vortex Blade – WvW Commander
[FirstLight] – BLACK DESERT ONLINE – EDAN http://www.firstlightgaming.com

LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

in Guilds

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Hey man!
If you’re looking for a guild a bit more focused on WvW, but that still does the occasional dungeon runs, check out Decisive Action, we’re a medium sized NA guild on Jade Quarry.
Take a look here and check it out if we are the right guild for you:

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

in Guilds

Posted by: Sixcross.6824


I think we have a lot of what you’re going to be looking for. We’re a laid back pvx guild that loves doing everything within the game. We run events pretty much every night that you can tag along for. We offer not just the power of our guild but also another pvx guild that we’re alliance with and share a teamspeak with if you have any questions I’d be more then happy to answer them over pm/ or a teamspeak interview.


LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

in Guilds

Posted by: OutspokenAardvark.9781


Hey, Cymb! Dissentient sounds like it could be a good fit! We’re a WvW focused PvX guild which means we do a bit of everything and a lot of WvW. We’re located on Tarnished Coast. Here’s our recruitment info for more details:

Do you enjoy WvW but can’t find a large dedicated group to play with? Have you been looking for more tactics in WvW than just zerging? Are you looking for a group of people to join you in your quest for Legendaries, dungeon gear and Fractals? We are the synthesis. Dissentient or [DIS] is a tight-knit PvX community that focuses on advanced tactics and large-scale Organization in WvW and dungeon running. We pride ourselves on having a great competitive WvW experience while keeping a warm, friendly and helpful atmosphere. Whether you’re looking for active, organized and advanced WvW, an active dungeon running community or a group of friends, Dissentient is the answer.

Dissentient is on Tarnished Coast. Why did we choose Tarnished Coast as our home server? TC is known for three things: Having an active, mature and friendly community, roleplaying (outside of WvW), and never giving up even if we’re in dead last in WvW. A steadfast competitive experience where PvP and PvE can meet gracefully. This is exactly what we want to emulate at Dissentient. In WvW, we have made a name for ourselves and now we are looking to expand our influence.

[DIS] Offers:
> 290+ Active Members (and growing)
> Mature Community, Avg age: 22-36 (No age requirement to join)
> Tarnished Coast is a Tier 2 WvW Server (Not too hardcore but very competitive)
> Heavy coverage during all NA Prime times
> Dedicated (and snazzy) website at http://dissentient.org
> Dedicated and active Guild Forum with private PvP Discussions
> Dedicated Guild Channel in TC’s 10,000 slot Server-wide Mumble (hosted by [DIS])
> Dedicated WvW Commanders and Advanced Tactics
> WvW focused Guild, most members WvW every day
> Daily Guild Events listed at http://events.dissentient.org
> Daily Guild WvW Pushes
> Daily Dungeon Runs
> 25+ Legendaries
> 17+ Commanders

If you have any questions, please visit http://faq.dissentient.org as it tells you everything you could possibly want to know about Dissentient. If you would like to register to join Dissentient, please visit http://join.dissentient.org. Feel free to contact us by posting here or by sending mail/whisper our WvW Officers: Rhyme (OutspokenAardvark.9781) and Ruq Aluna (Ruq.5396) or our Guild Leader: Zeegarl (Zee.7498). Hope to see you in game and on the battlefield!

Rhyme – Commander
[DIS] Dissentient – http://dissentient.org
[TC] Tarnished Coast

LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

in Guilds

Posted by: Cymb.6815


Thanks for the quick replies! going to check all of you out

LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

in Guilds

Posted by: Bossy Bessy.3829

Bossy Bessy.3829

Sent you a PM. ^_^

Goodbye Mr Anderson – Ranger | Ima Seamstress – Guardian
The Society [SCTY] on YB

LF PvE/WvW Guild (anywhere)

in Guilds

Posted by: Rits.4036


Hey Cymb, sent you a PM!

Grumpy Rits – A GrumpyCat/Charr Warrior
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood