LF Pve/Dungeon/Fractal Guild - CrystalDesert

LF Pve/Dungeon/Fractal Guild - CrystalDesert

in Guilds

Posted by: Nezrilus.8910


The title pretty much sums it up. I’m not sure what my chances for success are posting a topic here, but I thought I’d give it a shot. I’m looking for a guild that does primarily PvE (sometimes I’m in the mood for PvP/W3 though).

I would prefer a guild that’s medium sized and willing to help a newer player get accustomed to some of the content (I’ve done few fractals). I’m on Crystal Desert server with two level 80’s (Guardian and Thief and working on an Ele). I plan to start really digging into dungeon/fractal running soon. I work second shift, so I play primarily late night + weekends (EST).

If I sound like a good fit, let me know. Thanks in advance.

(edited by Nezrilus.8910)

LF Pve/Dungeon/Fractal Guild - CrystalDesert

in Guilds

Posted by: Daelwyn.3967


Hello =)
We’re a brand new guild and don’t have many people yet – however the people we do have are all very nice. We’re looking to expand a bit so maybe you’d be a good fit for us.

We are the Garbage Men [TGM] because we take out the trash in dungeons. We’re a guild primarily focused on running dungeons but running them for the sake of running them and not for tokens. So we don’t just run though the dungeon, we stop and fight everything. We also do events and are helpful and friendly. If you need help somewhere in Guild Wars than we’ll be there for you. We’re trying to build a community of people who wants to do dungeons because they’re fun =)

We are also on Crystal Desert – =)
PM: Saebrial, Koerim, or Ironhall to join
Mail: Daelwyn.3967

If you want more information you can message me or check here =)


LvL 80 Elementalist
[TGM]A Guild for Clearing Dungeon Trash
Mail: Daelwyn.3967 for invite

LF Pve/Dungeon/Fractal Guild - CrystalDesert

in Guilds

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


We have what you want in (The). Gimme a message if your interest.