LF Roleplay Guild [US]

LF Roleplay Guild [US]

in Guilds

Posted by: jzgrab.4098


I myself am not from the US, but I figured US servers would have the highest number of people speaking English, so…

In any case, I’m looking for an active guild with a steady member base to RP with my character in. I’m into what you may call “strict” roleplay. I’d ask that you please direct me to a website or a thread of an RP guild. I would also like to know which words are considered to be “RP worlds”.


(edited by jzgrab.4098)

LF Roleplay Guild [US]

in Guilds

Posted by: AbbieCarrington.4653


I’ve tried out numerous servers and the best server for RP I’ve found – by far – is Piken Square (EU). People here seem more serious about their RP than anywhere else I’ve seen, and it’s overwhelmingly English-speaking.

My own guild is Medium-RP (we encourage it, but don’t require it). But we’re all female…I don’t know if that would be an issue. >.>;;

Another guild I ran into here on the forums that seems really serious is The Ashen Chapter…they’re a heavy, heavy RP order within The Vigil. You can find their thread here:


Regardless, I hope you find what you’re looking for. Piken Square could always use more serious RPers…it’s the best RP server around – imho – and I’d love to see it have that reputation.

~Archcleric of the Order~
The Sisterhood – Piken Square

LF Roleplay Guild [US]

in Guilds

Posted by: xvi.2468


Creators of eXtreme Nightmares is a large multi-gaming clan that is currently setting up a Guild Wars 2 department. We have a Steam group with over 50.000 members following us every day. Our goal is to set a name in this Guild Wars community as well.

We are currently looking for people to strengthen our team for Guild Wars 2. If you are looking for a small group (the Guild should have a member base of 50 to 75 members in the end) of players that want to have fun in every aspect of the game, then you are in the right topic. We want to do raids, dungeons, PvP, WvW and achieve to have our map complete. None of this will be on hardcore base, but on a very social and friendly base. Play the game when you have time, real life is also important. Of course you have to stay active within the Guild/Clan, but we do not ask from you to stay online 24/7.

We have set the follow requirements:

- Be active.
- Be mature!
- 18+ would be preferred, although you could join when you are younger, but act older.
- Check out the website/forum every once and a while.
- Be able to use TS3 with a working microphone.
- Be able to speak decent English.

What do we have to offer?
- A friendly and social Guild in the game Guild Wars.
- A membership of a clan that has a well-known name in the gaming world.
- A platform (website, forum, TS3 and Steam community) were you will find friendly people to play others games or just socialize with.
- A TS3 server always filled with people ready to socialize or play a game.

As last I would like to add that we have people from all over the world in the Clan. Both North and South America, Europe and even people from India. We don’t recruit on country, everyone is welcome.

If you would like to join the Guild/Clan, please message me in the game (xvi.2468 – Underworld server) or talk to me on the TS3.
