LF Social West Coast PvX/WvW Guild
Heya! Check your PMs
Welcome back Mac!
I lead a growing WvW guild on Sorrow’s Furnace. It’s a good server for WvW because we recently climbed up a few tiers and are now adjusting our strategies due to the new challenges in our current tier. I can also recommend a multi-time-zone PvX guild that is exactly what you want: large, casual, friendly and fun.
My guild, Sorrow vs the Worlds, is located at www.svworlds.com
I can send you the site for the PvX guild if you are interested.
(edited by Mega Myth.5307)
Heyo, take a look at Decisive Actions, we’re a NA WvW guild based on Jade Quarry.
Heyo Mac!
[UM] is a friendly and mature NA guild that provides a helpful and fun atmosphere. We are a very active PvX guild, yet have no activity req. and are quite close knit! A majority of our members are in the casual to semi-casual range. I’ll post our guild blurb and let you find out more about us that way.
Good luck in your search and thank you for reading!
Who We Are
We are a PvX guild with a pride in respecting others, no matter their play style or play level. We also are tight knit and enjoy getting to know one another through activities such as Dungeons, WvW, Fractals, sPvP, or partying up in PvE to do Orr events and
Dragons, and even helping with lvling main characters and alts.
The Unholy Mackerels has a core group of active members and we are building upon that, however doing so slowly so we get to know each and every one. We currently are a medium size guild with 63 members and with ~25 of us active daily, consisting of mostly NA members.
We are quite the social guild through teamspeak and guild chat. We use teamspeak but do not require it. Our newer members can listen in on the first few days and talk when they feel comfortable, however most talk within minutes because of how easy going everyone is!
What We Do
We currently run weekly scheduled WvW, Dungeons, Fractals, Guild Treks and Guild Bounties and do any of the above throughout the week off schedule. Also we provide FUN events and random guild chat trivia with prizes. There is always something going on daily, usually any time after 6pm EST – 2am EST during the weekdays and any time during the weekends.
What Server We Are On
You can find us on the Fort Aspenwood server. A tier 2 server for WvW, has quite a busy PvE population in maps, has a friendly community forums for all things GW2, also has a community teamspeak where everyone is welcome and also has our own guild channel (however we use our private TS in most cases), and a server that enjoys working together through good communication while playing to just have fun.
What if I’m not on FA?
No fear! UM allows recruits to guest for up to a month in order to help everyone to have time to gather in game gold or irl money in order to transfer. Our staff and members are also more than willing to help by running events to help out! With all the events we run it is very easy to make the money to transfer in as little as a week.
How to Join Us!
Take a look around on our website to see more about us and our events we run and click “Join” to fill out our simple and easy app. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any one of us, we would definitely be happy to answer!
GM: Rits.4036
Officers: Jinxey.4173
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood
Hey macabri! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Sea Of Sorrows
Hi Macabri! I too am on Dragonbrand. I have a tiny guild called Brain Eaters Inc [luv] it is pretty chill. I do events casually mostly spvp/tpvp/dungeons and stuff w/our alliance guild. I am not sure of your current guild situation, but if you are still in need I hope you consider us. The website is located below. I can be reached in-game via a message or whisper or you can reach me here or through the site. I’ll probably look out for you especially since you are on dragonbrand & ask about your current guild situation. okay Happy hunting!
Hey there!
Jaded [Jade] is a fairly well established casual PvX guild that has been on Darkhaven since launch.
Our leaders have a lot of experience with mmos and have been together for years. We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have a forum (check us out there jaded.boards.net) a Facebook and a vent.
We are looking for people who want to have fun and hang out together. We like to have an active chat and a community of helpful members that are willing to go out of their way for each other.
Even if you aren’t on Darkhaven you can still hang out in guild chat with us, guest with us now and then or run some dungeons cross server until you feel we are worth the transfer :p
Things you can expect from joining Jaded:
-friendly guildies
-dungeon parties
-PvP, both WvW and Structured
-guild missions and events
-new friends
-an abnormal love for Quaggans
Some of our Guild Boosts include:
-10% Magic Find boost at all times
-5% Experience boost at all times
-15% Karma Boost on Saturdays
-Guild Stash, Treasure Trove, and Deep Cave all unlocked
Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81. We are most active during North American evenings. Our guild missions are on Sat and Sun at 8:30 EST.
Guild Co-Leaders:
- Takiya Delyll
- Arentide Delyll
- Luto Locke
-Duh General
-Lucien Blackmoon
-Kaira Zuki
Hope to see you in game
Jaded [JADE] co-leader