LF Social guild. Returning player.

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: Soupremacy.1745


I play on Jade Quarry and I’m primarily after a guild for the social aspect at this point. PvE buddies, chat box activity while i’m adventuring etc. Started playing on the final beta test and joined a guild upon launch but only a couple of the hundred members really talked to me. Partnered with the fact my final school examinations were on, followed by a drastic boost in social life upon finishing school. So I didn’t really have much time to play and most of my guild seemed to have raced to level 80 and were only concerned with end-game content by the time I sat down and tried to really pour some time into the game again. I sort of just paddled around this huge world as it overwhelmed me with content and indecision on which class to play…

I’m a fairly casual player but that’s based on a lack of motivation to really give this game more of my time. The amount of MMOs I’ve poured hundreds of hours into has made GW2’s solo PvE content (as refreshingly innovative as it is) not enough for me. The beauty of this game and appealing looking end-game and PvP is driving me to want to keep giving this game a chance and having some comrades to greet and hang with when I log in would be excellent.

My highest character is level 34, and I’ve got a level 13 and 15. I’m constantly changing my mind on which to play…

Well, spose that’s it. Thanks for your consideration

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: Soupremacy.1745


P.S I’m Australian

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: angeltears.8235


Hi, would you consider changing the server? Our guild is on Ring of Fire. Most of our members are from Europe and we have two from the states.

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: MarTheMad.7894


Heya! Welcome back to the game

Writhe [WRTH] is a small guild atm with players who have known each other for years. we’re an established gamer guild and have made GW2 our new home. We do a lot of PvE content and WvW.

We’re working on guild missions atm. We run dungeons fairly often and help each other with leveling when it comes to new characters. A lot of us have that alt fever and can’t help but try out every class xD

We are located on Darkhaven. Message me for more info!

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


Social is what we do best. We are a social, community-focused guild that does a little bit of everything. Check us out!


Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: Soupremacy.1745


Thanks guys. But i’m really just after a guild on Jade Quarry

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey, Soup! I think you may be a perfect fit for us. Our guild is Guardians of the Mists and we’re a PvE-primary guild on Jade Quarry (also have some SPvP action).

We’re really focused on recruiting members with great personalities who want to have a social experience. People who will rep the guild full time and participate in Team Speak and on the forums for guild contests are our dream addition!

We’re not as large as some of the big guilds so we don’t have all the unlocks and perks to offer, but we have a solid core of good players who are fun to chat with and play with.


  • Team Speak server
  • Website with forums: http://www.guardiansjq.enjin.com
  • Guild Missions: Bounties @ Saturday @ 5:00 PM Server time + Treks
  • Dungeons / Fractals of the Mists regularly
  • SPvP players from rank 0 – 50 if you’re interested in that!

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hi there, I’ve sent you a PM

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: Solaxo.7409


Malum Factum

We recently have opened recruitment to all North American servers focusing on PvE and sPvP. You can stay on your current server to run Dungeons and sPvP with our guild!

You can also Guest to Yak’s Bend for Guild Missions/Jumping Puzzles/Leveling/etc. with us.

See Our Recruitment Post Here

If you are into WvW; we also have groups running this on the regular; however that would require a transfer to our server on Yak’s Bend!

learn more about us |submit your application

Solaxo | [MF] Malum Factum – Officer
Yak’s Bend

(edited by Solaxo.7409)