LF a Guild

LF a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Nerorix.6130


Hi All I’m New to the game,
I’m from Singapore currently playing on Jade Quarry.
Looking for a Active and helpful guild .

LF a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hi there, we are an oceanic based small guild. We are not on your server though, we are based in Ehmry Bay but we have members from other servers and it is not a problem if it doesn’t bother you it doesn’t bother us.

I am unsure what your interests are but our guild is PvE based. We also have started running some dungeons together and have Ventrilo for dungeon runs and a website to keep in contact with guild mates.

There is so much more I could tell you about us but I am unsure if our interests match yours. If they do please do not hesitate to contact me in-game and we can chat more about the guild and if it is what you are looking for.

I am having a few computer troubles this weekend so I may not be on as much as I normally am, but I will be checking messages etc over the weekend as often as possible so please don’t feel discouraged if I don’t reply straight away if you do decide to add me.

Hope to chat with you soon!


LF a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Minami.4537


Hello Nerorix, The Red Lion Syndicate [SG] is a pure Singapore guild. Everyone in the guild are Singaporeans. We do dungeons, WvW, tPvp and Guild Missions. However, we’re in Crystal Desert. If you want, you can join our guild and see if it suits your gaming style. For more details visit our forum http://theredlionssyndicate.boards.net
If you wanna join us please pm me, drop me a mail if im not online or pm any of our councils or advisory. Alternatively, you can reply to our forum. Thankyou!