LF eu guild, prefer balanced server also.

LF eu guild, prefer balanced server also.

in Guilds

Posted by: Khenzo.2465


Hi, me and my friends are LF a nice decent guild, with leadership and regular events such as nights of hanging out in WvW, dungeon farming, tournament PvP etc.

We would also like a balance realm, because on of my friends want’s PvE, so he’s going to want an active world for this, so Orr isn’t a little empty, or a small amount of people doing dungeons, world completion and everything of that type.

I want the above also, but I also quite enjoy PvP, so a guild on a realm that often does PvP together, both casual and competitive 5v5, with some chilled WvW would be great.

Asking for a guild like this on a good world might be hard to come by, but might aswell ask!

Some quick info on us, we’re both from the UK, I currently main a Warrior, (lvl 34) and my mate plays an Engineer (lvl 80)

So if you can offer us a place in a guild, that you think we would like then by all means leave a bit of info


LF eu guild, prefer balanced server also.

in Guilds

Posted by: Burnit.9730


<MOIRAE> – An international Tier 4 guild on Desolation is looking for active and skilled players for PvE cotent (kind of limited for the moment to dungeons) and PvP content (WvWvW in some matters and sPvP), we stand currently at 80+ players and are planning to become even more active, especially on PvP side.

Requirements are:

+18 years old
* Be a team player
* Represent the guild with honor on the server and as main guild
* Understand the capabilities of your class well and be ready to be flexible with your builds according to the guild needs
* Be able to use voicechat – Teamspeak (at least in listen mode)
* Have a sense of humor

Apply at http://moirae-gw2.guildlaunch.com

Feel free to contact me (Burnlt) here/ingame/our guildsite for additional information in case of need or talk to one of the officers ingame when I’m not present ( Bluewy, Blessme, Xelm or Pewvpew)

LF eu guild, prefer balanced server also.

in Guilds

Posted by: Phireman.8129


Do note that we are on Northern Shiverpeaks which is NA, but we want to be over all timezones.(im swedish for instance.)
Its hard for me to explain why to apply to us seeing as text is just text but i will just type down what EHJ provides in general, and does NOT give in general.
The core of Einherjar have been playing MMOs together since 2001. We are a mature, friendly group of adults who enjoy each others company as we play our favorite games. Our pedigree includes stints in DAOC, WoW, PotBS, Warhammer, LOTRO and Rift. We are currently playing World of Tanks, Star Wars: The Old Republic and Guild Wars 2. We enjoy PVP and PVE alike although we tend to PVE for the purposes of PVP. There is nothing more enjoyable than working together as a group to win a PVP objective!
Instead of the typical ‘what we are looking for’ blurb let us address what we are NOT looking for.
We are not looking for someone who brings drama to the guild.
ii. We are not looking for someone who rolls need on every single item because their 3rd twink might need it.
iii. We are not looking for someone who thinks respect is a one way street and they are the only destination.
iv. We are not looking for someone who will not log into our vent and participate on our forums.
v. We are not looking for anyone who thought Twilight deserved an Oscar.
vi. We are not looking for anyone who names their characters Drizzt, Legolas, Strider or 1mUb3ruSuk.
vii. We are not looking for someone who fails to group with others except when it’s time to get their own gear.
viii. We are not looking for someone who thinks that cake > pie.
ix. We are not looking for someone who thinks maturity is reflected by age rather than actions.
What you won’t get from us:Mandatory play times, attendance stats or guilt trips for not playing much while your kids are on March Break. We are “real world friendly”. Play when you can, don’t when you can’t.
ii. A guild structure that would make the military jealous. Nope, no Uber-Sub-Commander Rank 5s here. We have a guild leadership “Council”, game officers and you. Nice and simple.
iii. Elistist member “cliques” that always label you as a “n0ob” to the guild. Newcomers are as welcome as those who have been around for years.
iv. Mass recruiting of “anyone” just to grow our numbers. We may be posting for recruits, but we are quite selective of who we ask to join. We are NOT a carpet-bombing /ginvite guild.
Questions? Stab me on the forums and ill catch you asap.

LF eu guild, prefer balanced server also.

in Guilds

Posted by: Khenzo.2465


Thanks so far guys!

LF eu guild, prefer balanced server also.

in Guilds

Posted by: Kitsumeo.8754


Heya Mjgander and friend.
Our Guild is on the Desolation server and play both pve and pvp.
with players running daily dungeons and SPvP tourny’s.
If you have time check out our topic to see if our guild fills your needs:
Whitelions [Claw]

Kind Regards,

Guild Leader of Whitelions [Claw]
Practise makes perfect.

LF eu guild, prefer balanced server also.

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786



About CGU :

CGU (Crimson Guards United) Gaming has been established since 2003. Our goal has been aimed towards uniting friends and expanding our game play on multiple gaming platforms.

Ways To Contact Us :

Website : “http://www.cgunited.net
TeamSpeak3 :
E-mail : cgunitedgaming@gmail.com
Also Try : YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, Steam

What CGU offers :

- A TeamSpeak3 Server
- The opportunity to network with a wide range of diverse gamer’s
- In-game Events
- A well organized group of leaders to help strengthen your abilities as a member and a gamer

What do we ask from you :

- Be active for our weekly meetings
- 15+ years of age
- Please have a headset/mic to communicate with (exceptions may be made)
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions

*How to apply * :

Come on our TeamSpeak3 server and speak with a admin with the title G.C. (Global Council)

Team Speak

LF eu guild, prefer balanced server also.

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Hi we are just starting out our Guild an have lots of improvements in all areas chech out our thread if you want to help us out an build a great guild you are welcome to join us.https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Badlands-Of-Lor-Devona-s-Rest/first#post161535