LF guild, Yak's Bend

LF guild, Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: Karirus.9641


Xferred a few days back, staying on Yak’s Bend and I’m LF a guild. A guild that plays all aspects of this game, I enjoy WvW, PVE, and though I haven’t PVP’d much I’d like to. I play anywhere between 2pm – 10pm server. To be quite honest I’d like to make some ingame friendships/bonds as well. Send me a whisp to a dungeon and if I’m not busy I’ll more than likely join party.

I really enjoy this game. I dislike glitches, exploits, cheats, anything that wasn’t meant to be done as a mechanic of the game. I LOVE to laugh and joke around =) I’m a mom first and foremost, also a college student. As long as I’m having fun and I can run 1 to 5 dungeons and/or put in 1 hour to 3-4 hours in wvw, all depends on the day and what gw2 has to offer when I’m on. I am LF a guild =)

Harkem Sureshot, 80 Norn Eng.


LF guild, Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: Solaxo.7409


Hey Karirus!

Sent you a pm.

Check us out!


Solaxo | [MF] Malum Factum – Officer
Yak’s Bend

LF guild, Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: Grotesque.6480


Dear Karirus,

We from Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] are an international Mature PvX guild playing on Desolation [EU]. As we are an international guild, we have members from all over the world. We mainly reside in USA / Canada / Europe and Asia! Therefore, we have members online at all times ready to do some dungeons or WvW runs!

As of right now, we have over 214+ Members inguild with a daily login varying from 130 ~ 150 members online and around 50 ~ 70 members online at the same time.

As we are a PvX guild, we are several Officers appointed to specific game types such as PvP, PvE and WvW. They organize scheduled runs through the week whom you can join if youd want to be sure to hit a party. Outside those scheduled events, we organize alot of guild events and other parties all the time!

Nonetheless, if youd like to know more about us, make sure to check out our website at http://www.exg-guild.com! Feel free to reply or PM me incase you wish to know more info about us!

Best Regards,

Team Aggression [TA]

LF guild, Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: Boose.6201


If your offer still stands you are more then welcome to see if Blackwater Vanguard is the right fit for you.

We are a mixed guild of PvE and WvW, we are pushing to have a bigger presence in WvW as we feel it helps the server and community as a whole. We are a small-medium size guild (If 127 players is medium sized to you) and growing due to our participation in WvW and Events we have thrown for the community.

We use Teamspeak 3 and like when people to join for any occasion

We are a very relaxed and fun guild that is filled out nicely with players willing to teach and learn. We know the real world is more important then a game so play when you want, but know we are always looking forward to see people.