LF guilds

LF guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Shakar.3485



I am looking for two types of guilds. First a PvE focused guild for dungeon runs and second guild with a focus on WvW (on Ferguson’s Crossing).

Currently my highest lvl toon is a lvl 39 necromancer. For what it is worth my age is 31 and I have experience with multiple mmo’s as far back as FFXI.

Thank you for your consideration.

LF guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Merrunz.4730


Guild of Fallen Angels is recruiting if you would like to join. We are all nice and love all aspect of the game. The 3 core players have kept this guild since GWs1 alpha. We are on daily. Message me if you want to join. We are on Fort Aspenwood.

We have two 70+ and the rest are at least 20+. We really like WvW and PvE.

LF guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: bladie.5084


Hi Shakar. I would personally like to invite you to join Aeterna [Ae] in Ferguson’s Crossing. we invest over 2 gold of weapon seiges when we do group parties in WvWvW and we like to help each others level. Our End Game content is having a prestigous rank amoung Ferguson’s Crossing. Mail me Alpha Bladie, Toilieban, or Applex or I’ll be checking up on this topic again, if you’re interested.

LF guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Jezath.7395


We are an active casual friendly guild with a big emphasis on community. Most of our playerbase is currently at the low to mid level range. We have guild crafters, fun guild events and we do WvW every saturday. We have Teamspeak 3 and a great website!

Please message me or any other Dotd member ingame for more information or an invite or both we have english, swedish, hungarian honk kong and many different nationalitys within the guild, so everyone is welcome

As we learn more about our builds we will get more organised as a guild towards proper teamed dungeon runs and wvw/pvp tourneys..

Our webby is http://defendersofthedire.enjin.com/ so come say hi!

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

LF guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Kuwagtx.9360


<One Bad Idea> PvX+sPvP increasing its ranks. We are a 74+ member guild with experience on other MMOs. Some Gladiators and end-game raiders want you to join our ranks feel free to contact me for questions. We run guild boosters daily to help our members progress and organize groups to walkthrough WvW/PvE content. We also were looking for a few more people to join for our tournament team. Contact me in game or find us at http://www.facebook.com/OneBadIdea.

LF guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Thank you all for your invitations. I will be sending out PM’s to the guilds I feel that better suit me. Please do not be insulted if I do not send you a PM. I am sure your guilds are great fun and that I would be missing out on creating great friendships. But I would like to focus on a few guilds (if I could, just one).

Thank you again.


LF guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: dtfauss.5729


Free transfers to other servers are still available.
We’re on Borlis Pass, and we’re a mix of casual PvE/dungeon runners and WvW.
Mature experienced gamers many of whom have RL ties.
Come check out our website http://redsky.enjin.com/home
Or jump on our mumble during afternoon/evening hours and chat us up.