LF smaller guild on Dragonbrand

LF smaller guild on Dragonbrand

in Guilds

Posted by: FriedToast.1290


I’m looking for a new home on Dragonbrand. I prefer the smaller guilds (15-25 members) over the mega guilds. I like actually getting to know most of the people in my guild, and I have never had any luck getting to know many people in the larger guilds. A more casual guild is preferred, since I am not always able to dedicate time everyday to the game. I am interested mainly in PvE content (dungeons, clearing maps, group events, etc.) but would be open to trying some PvP or WvW with the right group. My main interest is finding a consistent guild group to run group content with, since I’m not a huge fan of PUGs or trying to spam chat looking for groups.

I have a level 80 ranger and am currently working on a warrior who is at level 65. I also have my armorsmithing up to 306 and plan to cap it soon, so I can help the guild in that way as well. If you have a smaller guild that’s looking to add members, reply here or hit me up in game at FriedToast.1290.

LF smaller guild on Dragonbrand

in Guilds

Posted by: Daelwyn.3967


Hello FriedToast,
I run a small guild (currently at 20ish members) and we focus on doing dungeons. We don’t do speed runs or exploits. We’ve also recently started dabbling in Fractals. You don’t have to rep us all the time and you don’t have to switch servers.
For more information check here
PM: Saebrial or Koerim for an invite
Mail: Daelwyn.3967 if we’re not online or you want more information =)


LvL 80 Elementalist
[TGM]A Guild for Clearing Dungeon Trash
Mail: Daelwyn.3967 for invite