LFG Active Kaineng Guild
I used to be in Kaineng, so I will try and help you out. I think you should join up with Rethisis [RE]. I am not sure about their leaders name but I do know one who can invite you. Message Kiridono. If you are in Oceanic time zone whisper Chaster The Scarred to join [SoS]. They have separate sub guilds for just about everything.
Ássurance [ÆSS] ~Lablueberry
You’re more than welcome to check out SAD
The recruitment page is listed below. We’re a smaller guild, but we do have about 10active members at all times. During peaks hours at EST / PST we have about 16+ actives. Feel free to msg me ingame : )
What a Churlundalo
(edited by Jedge.3619)
Thank you guys ^^!
Physicks [The Dankening]
Check us out as well =)
NA | Sea of Sorrows
NA | Sea of Sorrows