Also, I’m EST and play normally in the afternoon/evening/late night.
I run the guild “The Friendship Brigade [PWNY]” on Devona’s Rest. We’re a helpful guild interested in whatever seems most fun. One moment, we might be running jumping puzzles, and later we might join in some sPvP, and other times we join with other guilds (mainly the Sun-Tzu Disciples [SUNz]) to do some raiding in WvW. Really, we go where our members want to go. We are small, but we are mighty!
Also, we use Vent. I don’t personally like it, but it’s all we have for now. We’re all over 18, too, and try to be as mature as possible… but that doesn’t mean we don’t have any fun!
Good luck to you as you search for a group! Wherever you land, may the magic of friendship and the spirit of victory follow you!
(edited by Lord Rhett.9360)
Hey Ichi. I’m a member of RAWR and were a pretty cool guild. Most of us are active daily but its not a requirement. We love taking on people who are new to the game and try to keep a constant stream of members coming in. This ensures that you always have someone from your level range to play with.
I wont bore you with too many more details in here. Check out my thread:
Also our guild website is http://www.randomlyangry.com We use this mostly for chatting while were at work, stockpiling information, guild events and info…stuff like that. Mostly I just use it to procrastinate at work.
Note: This thread was NOT copy pasted! It was written for YOU. Don’t join some copy paste guild recruitment thread. Those are sooo lame and the members usually aren’t as nice as they claim to be
We are the master race!
Don’t join some copy paste guild recruitment thread. Those are sooo lame and the members usually aren’t as nice as they claim to be.
Words of wisdom right there. Someone needs to make a poster out of that.
Seriously, if someone isn’t willing to take the time to read your post and respond in a personal manner, I don’t think that guild deserves your membership. Just my thoughts.
Wooh +1 to you Rhett.
We are the master race!
Greetings ,
ToP MoB is a new North American guild, on the Gate of Madness server, with a team that has over 8 years of guild managing experience. We will be specializing in creating various skill sets of teams to be able and burn through the end game content all while helping each other out in many constructive ways in PvE and play competitively in PvP to achieve our end goal…….Dominating! We will create a competitive environment all by allowing occasional and more active players to join. As for the future of the guild and how far it can go ….. one word, dedication!
-18+ (exceptions can occur)
-Mature while having a good sense of humor
-Dedicated in bringing this guild and it’s community any positive assets
-Have at least played a few PC games or have a good understanding of them
-A mic ( ventrillo )
We are especially looking for:
-Very dedicated leaders/officers with:
- solid experience in the game
- positive attitudes
- the possibility of managing the forums
- good base knowledge of the game
If you are interested in joining just leave a post with the following info:
-Your Guild Wars 2 knowledge level:
-Occupation (not required):
-Previous gaming experience:
-Any other assets this clan could use:
Go to apply @
See you there!!
Dusk Warriors is a place for people of all levels, play styles, and ages. We strive to create a friendly, helpful environment with mature people who like to enjoy all aspects GW2 has to offer, we have a site where our members can chat, discuss, and make groups for just about anything! I would love for you to check us out, and see if we’re for you. (:
You can PM me here, in-game, or on our site. (PsycoKira is me, Soul Eater.9487 is me for in-game/here)
Forgot to add that our members are usually on in afternoon/evening aswell EST time, and I never copy/paste. Haha, every time I write a reply it’s something different but with the same basic information. (: I don’t like copy/pasting.