LFG - Lvl 43 Elementalist (Jade Quarry)

LFG - Lvl 43 Elementalist (Jade Quarry)

in Guilds

Posted by: Gayaneh.1286


I’m a newbie looking for a guild… I’m based on the east coast and work during the day, so my playing time availability is generally ~7 – 11 pm ET during the week and variable, depending on my schedule, during the weekends. My husband also plays GW2 so a good amount of our time together is spent gaming

I’m looking for a friendly, mature guild who will have patience with someone still trying to learn the ropes, so to speak. I’m more interested in dungeons and WvW than PvP, but am open to anything that will help me become a better player.


LFG - Lvl 43 Elementalist (Jade Quarry)

in Guilds

Posted by: Mwari.8016


Not sure if you all are interested in switching servers, but we are recruiting in Disarray. We are located on the Anvil Rock Server and focus on PvX. Most (if not all) of our players are located within the US and Canada, so you can find us all on about the same time as you.

All activities ran within the guild are not required, and we have a ventrilo channel. We tend to use vent for our dungeon runs and WvW, as well as during general game play.

We have roughly 50 – 60 members, some of which that play a bit more than others, but I can almost guarantee that you will not be the only person online in the guild. If you all have any questions at all, feel free to PM me, or visit our website @ http://www.disarrayguild.com.

Thanks for your time!
