LFGuild - Dungeons and Social
Hello Chibishewolf,
I’m the leader of The Garbage Men and we are a dungeon focused guild. We do not do speed runs. Things between us and the door get killed – there’s no exploiting/running past mobs.
We have a smallish group of members but we’re all really active. I’m mostly on in the evenings EST (I have work x.x). I do play a lot on the weekends so I’m on – and most of the guild is on – during the day on weekends.
We have a mumble instead of Vent but the guild daily message tells you how to set it up.
The guild is mainly comprised of people I’ve found online and we’re all really nice and have a sense of humor =)
You can check here for more information.
PM: Saebrial, Koerim, or Ironhall for an invite
Mail: Daelwyn.3967
[TGM]A Guild for Clearing Dungeon Trash
Mail: Daelwyn.3967 for invite