LVL 80 Thief LFG

LVL 80 Thief LFG

in Guilds

Posted by: Tetsuwan.8704


Hey all!

I’m a level 80 thief on the Maguuma server looking for a guild to run organized WvW, sPVP and PVE events with.

I like structure so a guild that schedules events is extremely interesting to me. I’m also attracted to small to mid-size guilds. Don’t like having trouble getting a group in my own guild.

I’m on the PST and most of the times will be running in the evening. I don’t mind switching servers at all.

Finally, I have a descent amount of MMO exp raiding in LOTRO and PvP in AION.

LVL 80 Thief LFG

in Guilds

Posted by: Ibioc.1795


The Guardians on Isle of Janthir is a multi-game gaming community, and our Guild Wars 2 division is recruiting. We are a PvX guild and run 4-5 guild events weekly. Events include Dungeon Nights, Guild Events with an RP flair, WvWvW nights, WvWvW seminars for new people, alt leveling groups, and jumping puzzles. There’s something for everyone.

We have more than 200 members on roster for GW2 and have every guild upgrade purchased. We typically run at least + Magic Find and +kill xp. We use mumble for voice communication, with Ventrilo available as well. We have a full fledged web-site with Calendar and forum functionality.

Come check us out at

LVL 80 Thief LFG

in Guilds

Posted by: Maceh.3849


Warlord is about meeting new people and having fun PvPing. Now we’re looking to enjoy all aspects of Guild Wars 2. Warlord is a primarily NA WvW guild looking to get into sPvP and PvE. Our founding members come from many different MMOs including Aion, LoL, Rappelz, and Tera. We also have a vent.
Recruitment Information: We are currently looking for members on Sanctum of Rall interested in any of the following:
- Currently, we are most active in WvW during the end of the week, Thursday-Sunday around 6pm Central. We are looking for more members to form small raiding groups. We use vent to coordinate our groups it is highly recommended to log on vent even if you do not wish to talk to listen during raids.
- While WvW is our main focus, sPvP is a great way to improve individual and group PvP skills. We are looking to form sPvP groups to practice together, and as we expand to run various guild and paid tournament events.
- This is an area we currently lack in and wish to greatly expand. From running instances to leveling alts and exploring more classes, we want get more involved in everything this game has to offer.
Rules: Our only rules are no flaming, no scamming, and no cheating/hacking. Warlord has a zero tolerance on these issues.
If interested, feel free to contact any of our guild leaders or officers:
Guild Leaders
Warlord.9074 (main Blood Bath)
Maceh.3894 (main Maceh)
Ulara.9061 (main Eleni Cyra)
Lraund.6429 (main Lraund)
Trickyg.8752 (main Trickyg)
Leotie.1785 (main Leotie)
Haha wtf.9145 (main Ghostrevolver)

LVL 80 Thief LFG

in Guilds

Posted by: Fenix.3165


Subterfuge Gaming is a US PvX guild on Fort Aspenwood looking for more
active members to do dungeons, WvW, and sPvP. We are a smaller guild right
now and most of the members know each other by first name/ are friends in
real life.

-Accepting all professions
-Must have TeamSpeak 3
-Must have a mic/headset
-Be active and don’t be disrespectful

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Fenix-Raid Officer
Subterfuge Gaming

LVL 80 Thief LFG

in Guilds

Posted by: Tetsuwan.8704


Thanks for all the reply’s….with the way the server situation is right now it looks best if I try to find a guild on Maguuma. So if you are on Maguuma give me a shout as I am tired of running around the eternal battlegrounds alone

BTW my IGN is Cannun

LVL 80 Thief LFG

in Guilds

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Can’t help with non WvW stuff, but HKHS actively recruits people for WvW in Maguuma. You’d have to talk to them to see if they do other stuff. Dunno their leader’s name, but Seregdae is the commander I see most often. There are plenty of other WvW oriented guilds, but HKHS is most vocal about advertising.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

LVL 80 Thief LFG

in Guilds

Posted by: Nyxx.5129


Check out Malum Factum you wont be dissapointed! I’ll PM you with some more info.

Nyxiie-80 Ele
Malum Factum (MF)