Level 80 Couple Looking for a guild in Crystal Desert

Level 80 Couple Looking for a guild in Crystal Desert

in Guilds

Posted by: Trishycakes.6498


Hello everyone,
I have a level 80 ranger and my boyfriend is a level 80 engineer. We currently are in a guild but it is not very active. We are looking for an active PvE to run dungeons and do content with.
I am on most days after 5pm and he is on most days after 5 as well. We both work on the weekends and can be on at different times depending on work schedule.
Trishycakes/Frostiebits of Crystal Desert

Level 80 Couple Looking for a guild in Crystal Desert

in Guilds

Posted by: Mwari.8016


If you all wouldn’t mind transferring servers, Disarray of Anvil Rock is a rapidly growing guild that could use a few more dedicated players!

We are sitting at roughly 50 members now, and growing. Normally in the evening we will have anywhere from 20 – 25 people on. We focus mainly on PvE content and WvW, with a pretty big emphasis on PvE Dynamic Events with the Mad King Stuff going on right now.

We are actually having a Guild Dungeon Run Event tonight, where anyone that is interested can come along and run a few explorer mode dungeons with us. This is a pretty good way to get to know some of our players as well as hang out with us in vent!

If you are interested in Disarray (or have any questions), feel free to PM me here, or visit our website @ http://www.disarrayguild.com. Hope to hear from you guys soon!


Level 80 Couple Looking for a guild in Crystal Desert

in Guilds

Posted by: Gameslave.1567


If you are interested in transferring;

Our guild, Twisted Descent, is just starting to recruit members. We range from mid twenties to late thirty’s. We’re just looking for a small group, 20-30, who have night time / evening schedules, spouses, children, school. My gf and I have a 3yr old so we’re mainly on in the evening into the night. Most of the others are married, in a relationship and/or have children. We want to provide a guild that is relaxed, fun, yet still progressive and competitive for mature ppl. Those who can’t be on all the time and aren’t looking for too much but still want to to progress without it feeling like a second job. Thanks for your time. We look forward to talking with you ingame.
-erevis (gameslave.1567)
Server- Isle of Janthir
Eastern/Central Tim

Level 80 Couple Looking for a guild in Crystal Desert

in Guilds

Posted by: Maegor.8746


Hi Trishycakes,

Edge of Chaos [EoC] is currently recruiting members on the Dragonbrand server. Currently, we have between 50-60 members. We participate in Dungeons, World Events, sPvP and are looking to add members to create a stable WvW crew. We have casual and semi-hardcore members. We are interested in mature (18+ is not a requirement but desired), easy to get along with members.

Items of note for our guild:
- We utilize TS3
- We maintain a guild webpage which can be viewed at http://edgeofchaos.enjin.com
- We originally formed in SWTOR with members from all around the US, Canada and Mexico
- We have master crafters in all professions
- We started on Dragonbrand at launch and want to see our server be successful in all areas of the game

If these are qualities you are looking for in a guild then please contact Dysorderly (Overcome.8265), Maegore (Maegor.8746), or Rahmona (Rahmona.5879) in game.



Level 80 Couple Looking for a guild in Crystal Desert

in Guilds

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


Hi Trishycakes

I’d like to invite you to consider Cynical, we are currently on Crystal Desert Server. We are a PVX, NA Guild of approx 135 players, mainly focusing on WVW with some PVE. On a normal night during primetime, we have approx 40+ guild members on during prime times. We have members interested in Spvp, and we are taking steps to organize structured Spvp groups also.

We regularly schedule Guild Dungeon/Map Completion events, as well as WvW Events. We are a member of a 14 guild alliance, and we participate with these guilds for large scale WvW events on weekends. Our guild events are optional, and we do have signups available. Your level of participataion is completely up to you! We also run smaller guild skirmish/strike team groups throughout the week in WvWvW.

We have a number of players new to the game still leveling, as well as players who are leveling second/third characters, so there is also opportunity for you to group up for events/leveling.

Cynical has full guild buffs available, as well as a max size guild bank filled with equipment and consumables for alts/new players etc. We also have a large voice chat server, and an active website updated constantly. We have a strong community of players who are always willing to help eachother out, so hopefully you will consider Cynical as your new home!

I’ve added you to friends, and I’ll try to contact you in game. You can reach me in game as Sinner, via these forums, of feel free to PM me on our guild website http://cynical-gw2.guildlaunch.com

Best of luck in your search for a guild!


Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast