Logistics moving guild from Euro > US Server
First off, I hope you find a suitable new home in NA. Our servers have a very diverse player base of timezones, it is normal to see many players online at any given time of day, especially in the higher WvW Tiers.
You will lose all influence. You will retain your guild emblem and will not have to rebuy it. However, you will regain influence very quickly. I have a medium sized guild and had everything rebuilt within two weeks and everything that mattered to us as a WvW guild rebuilt in a single week. If you’re really concerned about influence upgrades, you can trade gold for influence at 20 gold per 10,000 influence.
The higher in WvW tiers, the more of a healthy recruiting pool and general population you will find. You will find PvX on any server, but depending on how competitive you’d like to have your WvW, you’d want to go to a server that is in the Tier 2 or above.
Sea of Sorrows has one of the strongest NA and Oceanic populations in the game, plenty of recruits to be had, great WvW without queue times. European hours really just need a guild to step into that slot to recruit the players during that timezone, but it is our weakest in WVW. For PVX, you’ll find plenty of people looking to do any event during any time. We organize opening for the Orr Cathedrals every other night and WvW strategies that span cross guilds, sort of like an alliance that reaches through the whole server.
Sanctum of Rahl would also be a great choice for server as they have a heavy NA population, but they lack Oceanic and European time zones.
Storm Bluff Isles has a heavy NA, medium Oceanic population, and medium European.
As I stated before, all of these servers are going to be filled with PvXers, you should consider which server you want to call your WvW home.
Sea of Sorrows has one of the strongest NA and Oceanic populations in the game, plenty of recruits to be had, great WvW without queue times. European hours really just need a guild to step into that slot to recruit the players during that timezone, but it is our weakest in WVW. For PVX, you’ll find plenty of people looking to do any event during any time. We organize opening for the Orr Cathedrals every other night and WvW strategies that span cross guilds, sort of like an alliance that reaches through the whole server.
My guild works with Kurthos almost on a nightly basis and the amount of coordination and feeling of a "home"that Sea of Sorrows provides is nothing like I have seen before in a game. We are home to multiple serious WvW guilds. We offer cross-guild training, events and tons of knowledge sharing. Like Kurthos said, all servers are PvX, but if you want to be active in WvW that is where your choices are limited.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
May I suggest you guys come to Sanctum of Rall?
We could use the Euro players, and we’re in Tier 2.
As for your questions, yes, you will lose your upgrades. You will need to re-earn them.
The plus is, with 450 members, you should be able to get the Influence all back, but be sure to empty the guild bank before emptying as the guild bank is server dependent from what I understand.
(edited by tkalamba.2541)
I would recommend you take a look at Sanctum of Rall. We have a very tight-knit WvW community and are looking for the amount of Euro players along with your US members as well.
Sanctum of Rall has the strongest NA presence out of everyone arguably. We have many die-hard WvW players/guilds that come out each and every day. Something that a lot of servers do is give up, SoR does not give up.
Also Sanctum of Rall is not just a server name it has a story behind the name, coming from one of the largest guilds on the server (GSCH). Though we have a lot of WvW players, we are one of the unofficial PvE servers as well.
Regarding your upgrades you can buy back influence and such and I am sure that some of our guilds would help towards your cause to get you back on your feet quickly.
Misc info: We are currently in Tier 2 and are on the verge of becoming a Tier 1 server, all that we need is more players that are able to play during the Oceanic/European timezone.
Best of luck!
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian
I would also like to recommend Sanctum of Rall, we have an amazing NA presence in WvW but we are lacking EU/Oceanic guilds.
For PvE we are also very active in but you will find that to be true in most of the high tier servers as they have a high population count.
Regarding the move yes you will lose all your influence and upgrades, that includes the guild bank so like tkalamba said make sure to clean out you bank before the move.
You will also keep all your members and wont have to buy new members unlocks.
In the end regardless of which ever server you join, good luck to you and your guild
Hi Isis! I won’t recommend Sanctum of Rall since all my mates have done so already. But CDS moved here and lost all our influence and upgrades so we know how that goes. As such, as part of the server recruitment I am running, I have farmed up gold to assist with any guilds coming over. I am currently sitting at 105gold to help you with influence if this interests you in easing the pain of losing your influence!
Leader of Caedas [CDS] : caedas.enjin.com
Sanctum Of Rall
Hi everyone,
I want to thank everyone for their response on here and in game. I will be visiting the servers mentioned and also a couple others that’s caught my eye.
Looks like influence is not as such a big deal getting it back as i thought it would be.
Cya in game soon.
Excellent, whisper me in game if you choose Sanctum so I can send you this money for you to purchase influence for instant-building your upgrades back!
CDS has farmed 105gold. If you decide to move over, I spoke with other guilds and we can raise another 100-200 gold for your influence!
Leader of Caedas [CDS] : caedas.enjin.com
Sanctum Of Rall