Looking For The Right WvW/PvE Guild.

Looking For The Right WvW/PvE Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Zinthos.5893


1st off… I must say to please read my content and respond based on how well you match my wants/needs. I prefer to talk to a leader or high ranking member when being recruited, not just a recruiter. The reason for stating this is, if your guild does not fit me I will not be happy and will leave, and that wastes my time and yours. Also I prefer a leader over a recruiter mainly because a recruiter will say anything to get you to join and I won’t want to be in a guild where you know nothing about the leader or high ranking members.

My mmorpg name is JtD-Zinthos or Zinthos, or JtD. (JtD means Just the Drummer). I have been playing games since Nintendo 64. I have been a guild leader a few times, and pretty much every other rank you can think of at least 3 or 4 times. I know how guilds work. I love running in a structured group. I don’t mind just being a member as long as I am treated equally like any other person high rank or not.

I go to school for 3 hours a day, but I may be getting a job soon. I am running on east coast time. I can be on quite a bit, but may take a day – 3 days off at a time depending on how busy I am doing other things that are more important than the game. I am in Eredon Terrace, but I am willing to move if the guild can help me pay for it. (I can pay it back in a week or two) I am 18 years old and prefer a more mature guild. (I still like to joke around tho).

[What I want]
The guild should be WvW, PvP, and PvE. (Will be fine with just WvW & PvE)
I like a big guild. 45-50 members +.
Very active in WvW. Groups running almost all the time.
Does not have to be very active in PvE, but I like PvE a lot.
Has to have a very active voice chat.
I prefer the guild only want members to represent them, but it’s not a deal breaker.
ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA!!! (thats a little too demanding… just no fights and stuff)
Does not demand that you be on every day or that you have to deposit coins to the bank.
Must be friendly and accepting of new members. Also members help each other out.
I do like a strict recruiting policy. (almost like hand picked members)
Role playing not needed, but can be a RP guild. either way idc.
( I am not sure what else to put, but I will add to it if I think of anything)

[What you can expect from me]
I will donate time, money, and more if I find that it is the place for me.
I will help out other members as much as I can when I am not doing something that I need to do in game.
I will be active and only represent your guild.
If I am offline for a while or something happens I will notify someone of my absence.
( I am not sure what else to put, but I will add to it if I think of anything)

[Other Info.]
Please do not invite me if the guild is just recently starting or is not well developed yet. I only want to join a fully functional and healthy guild. Please reply here to advertise your guild to me, or you can message me. Please do not do a copy and past ad for your guild, I would like a response that is related to my post and the info I gave to you. I may sound very up tight, but I just do not like mass spamming guilds that only care about numbers and not quality.

I was going to put more, but I realized I had too much already, and I kinda forgot what else to put, so please contact me.

Looking For The Right WvW/PvE Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


If you going to be on tonight we can chat. Goodluck with your decision.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

Looking For The Right WvW/PvE Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Abraxix.7693


Sounds as though you know exactly what you’re after and what you want! Which is good, I prefer to know who we’re recruiting into a guild than mass spam /m chat invites!We are a guild of what appears to accommodate your requirements. And I can say with certainty that we have members online at all spans of 24 hour periods.
If you’re online tonight I shall have a chat with you and see what meets your requirements from our guild if you like.

I am not a high ranking officer or leader, more am I a recruiter. I am however like you in that I don’t want to talk to a recruiter as they will say anything. we have an active chat (voice) that you’re welcome to join us on for an evening to see if you’d like to hang out with us or party up for world events (Tuesday nights are our meta event / Guild bounty runs for commendations only. – guild missions and guild bounty’s are run fully through on Saturdays – Tuesday evenings are reserved for dungeons and bounties for those looking for the commendations or wvw / pvp play!
I can say that we have the ‘same’ members on when I play often bar weekends when everyone logs in at odd hours as it’s the weekend no work. We understand people have life and don’t demand you log in online every day / every week. Representing the guild is obviously very helpful for guild influence to run the guild bounties and such, however we do have members that don’t represent… we just think they are outcasts and shun them!!!! – hahahahaha we do enjoy a joke and I believe… I haven’t met anyone else yet that is younger than me, (24) so we are a mature guild however we do know how to joke around – as per the shunning you comment if not representing) – wow now this is just getting worse
- I am a massive appreciator for dad jokes and puns so if that’s not for you. Well no big loss. I will be in touch if you are online this evening I am also Ausssie – NSW bound so we should have similar hours
Abraxix Storm

Looking For The Right WvW/PvE Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


Hey! I’m the guild leader of Tonic [Lime] (not a recruiter). We are a community-focused guild that values being social and friendship more than anything else. While we have a casual feel, we are certainly skilled players (we like the term “semi-hardcore”).

To kind of highlight what you are looking for:

- About 100 members, but we feel close-knit. We know eachother and treat eachother well.
- WvW – We do it every day. We have two WvW officers and 5 commanders. It’s usually small groups.
- PvE – every day, we have a PvE and Dungeon officer.
- sPvP – 2x a week, if not more.
- No time requirements. We’re an adult guild with lives. We have military members, parents, students, etc.
- As I just stated, we are an adult guild. Our members are mostly 21+ (Average age probably 28… 18-51 is our age range).
- We do have a good sense of humor. But we keep racism/sexism/politics/religion out of our chats.
- We have an active mumble with usually 10-15 people in it.
- We require 100% representation (though a few people are exceptions).
- Drama is squashed immediately and hasn’t been a problem in a long while.

We aren’t on ET but Crystal Desert (Tier 4 WvW). We aren’t in a rush for you to transfer over, we’d rather you feel us out first Guesting, mumble, etc. I’m sure some people would help you transfer if we liked you enough. The guild is always helping people out.


Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com

Looking For The Right WvW/PvE Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Abraxix.7693


unable to locate player so far in game

has any one else had any luck? – taking into account player has stated not dedicated to every day gaming

Abs !!

Looking For The Right WvW/PvE Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786
