Looking To Join A Guild.

Looking To Join A Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: John Paul.4562

John Paul.4562

My account recently got hacked! So i have to start all over again , i have an ele just lvl 6. Currently also needing help on a minatour quest. My ingame name is Lordpj – invite:D

Looking To Join A Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


Hi John Paul,
Heavenly Apocalyptic Horizon on DarkHaven would be happy to take you, We are a new guild and looking to grow fast and strong as a team.
Check us out on these links:
and on:
Feel free to contact me on either of those or via PM on the forums here. Hope you find the right guild for you in any case.
- Llyrx

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

Looking To Join A Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Malifect.2310



I am the guild leader for Cry Havoc. We’re a small guild on Emhry bay. Now, you may think small = bad, but that just means that there is room for you! we have 12 players, (all adults except for my 15 eyar old son) and we love this game too!

we usually play from 2 or 3 eastern till about 10 or 11 eastern, but you can find some of our guys on all night. We run dungeons daily, and I might brag a little and say we’re getting pretty good at it.

We use ventrilo for everything…we’re usually yacking about something in there, even if it isnt necessarily about the game, its more social. but we require everyone to have it, so that we can be better organized.

We are a group of friends, but we arent a clique, so there wont be any problem with you not being able to get in on what we’re doing.

last thing is, we are on the Emhry bay server, but as of right now, server transferrs are free, so as long as you use ventrilo, we’d love to have you.

you can mail me here or in game malifect.2310

Looking To Join A Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Shrapnel.7056


We have a decent size guild on Kaineng server called NUKE. Where always looking for new members. However there is a guild called Warsworn that is also looking for members. They have about 170 members or so right now. You can check out there website for further information. http://www.war-sworn.com. NUKE works close with them. The website should give you any info you need. Warsworn also has a Team Speak chat set up for there members as well as ours for easier communication. They usually have events on weekends also. Hope to see you around. Message me in game for more info if interested.

Aren Shrapnel (Level 80 Warrior)
Kaineng server
(Warsworn) Member. http://www.war-sworn.com/

Looking To Join A Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Rebeth.9167


Hello, I am the leader of The Tyrian Guardianship and I am interested in recruiting some new members. We are a casual guild, and very fresh off the block, here is some basic

information about us. :]

Name: The Tyrian Guardianship [TTG]
Server: The Gate of Madness
Members: (As of 11/2/12) 4
Our Activities: Helping with Personal Stories, Daily events, random slayings, and exploring.
(I’m sure we will be doing PvP and PvW later but we need more members to do that.)

How to contact us:

Character’s name: Lirael Touchstone, feel free to PM if not online, if online whisper at anytime.
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/groups/368313283255515/
Official Guild Wars 2 name: Rebeth.9167
Guild Email: Rebeth.9167@ymail.com

Looking To Join A Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: rose.8537



Hey mate Apex currently recruiting for more info check link or pm me :P

Looking To Join A Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Rahmona.5879


Edge of Chaos [EOC] on Dragonbrand is looking to add more members. We are an adult guild focused on organized dungeons, world events and pvp(spvp and tpvp mainly but we do organize WvW when enough are interested). We have teamspeak as well as a guild website. Whisper Rahmona.5879 , Overcome.8265, or Maegor.8746 in game for more info. Or you can apply at:
