Looking for Active PvE/WvWvW Guild

Looking for Active PvE/WvWvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Teror.8940


First off, I’m willing to move servers, but want be on one where under population isn’t an issue.

- I’m on about 15 hours per week or more
- Play all aspects of the game
- I did sPvP for a while so my highest lvl profession is a lvl40 warrior that I’m working to 80 right now
- Mostly interested in WvWvW and PvE (dungeons, etc.), but do like to sPvP too.

I’m really looking for a guild that’s active, communicates frequently (i.e. has it’s own site/forum/voice server), appreciates input from its members and realizes we all have lives outside of gaming.

My goal right now is to get to 80 as fast as possible on my main and start hitting WvWvW and dungeons regularly.

Oh, and I’m usually online from 8:30PM ish – 1AM EST on the nights that I’m playing.


Emerald Fang:
www.emerald-fang.com // PvX/US/AUS/SoS

(edited by Teror.8940)

Looking for Active PvE/WvWvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Lexie Tanium.4958

Lexie Tanium.4958

Hai! you can check my guild if you want. However, most the members right now are on holiday and also we’re doing a clean sweep so we’re small right now. =/ we just moved servers. Most people in our server went totally inactive.

here’s our guild website


My guild is [ENoR] Our motto: pay it forward & versatility in all aspects of the game.
We are family. If you wish to take part feel free to message me. May our paths cross.

Looking for Active PvE/WvWvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Heya Teror,

Jaded[Jade] on Darkhaven is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members and there is no application process. We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have active forums and a vent server. We’re a laid back, easy going bunch and are enjoying our Jaded adventures together in GW2!

Things you can expect from joining Jaded:

- Friendly Guildies
- Dungeon parties
- Light PvP, both WvW and Structured
- Guild Boosts: 10% Magic Find & 5% Experience constant, 15% Karma on weekends
- An abnormal love for Quaggans

Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings, mostly East coasters with a current active online count between 25-35 players during the week, weekends experience a higher influx of Jadites playing.

Take a gander over at our forums over at:

If we sound like the right home for you, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers and/or the in-game mail system. We’ll get back to you asap to answer any questions you may have.

Guild Co-Leader – Vecuu Raine
Guild Co-Leader – Raelin Flameseeker
Guild Treasurer – Shira Nolar


Looking for Active PvE/WvWvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Sent you a pm here. Let me know if you want to talk ingame as well.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

Looking for Active PvE/WvWvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Arazin.4861


Hai Teror,

I think Nocturnal Indulgence would be a great fit for you looking at your requirements.

Most of our players are dungeon runners, but we do have a few that do WvW and sPvP that are looking for more people to run Tourneys with.

I, and our members, would love for you to check us out at www.indulgeatnight.com. We are on the Maguuma server and are very active. You can hop on our mumble server if you see us kicking around on there or whisper us in game.

Astrid Gunnhilder – Guild Leader
Roryl – First Officer

Guild Leader
Nocturnal Indulgence [NOX]

Looking for Active PvE/WvWvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Tawyn.5691


Hey Teror,

We currently only have a couple of EST players but are hoping to recruit more in all time-zones to help all of our players, if you would be interested in getting on board & helping our guild to continue to grow, we would love to have you!

ASq are a fun, friendly, relaxed & mature guild on the Gandara server. We are an English speaking guild, mostly European based with a couple of members in the EST time zone.

We are currently a small but growing player base especially following the unfortunate natural drop of initial players growing bored quickly of GW2 & becoming inactive but those of us that remain play every-day we are looking for active & regular players to help our guild grow & progress in all areas of the game. We also welcome casual players & solo players that are looking for a relaxed place to chat & group as & when they feel for it. We fully appreciate & understand that life always comes first & this is just a game to have fun in & so anyone that has reached member rank or higher do not lose their guild status even if inactive for any period of time & this is something I would only be forced to consider if/when we ever reached the maximum cap of 500 members.

We organise regular dungeon/fractal runs & monthly WvW runs (these will no doubt increase as the players require) & help each other as much as we can whenever & wherever needed. We use mumble & have a full website including forum & event calendar available for our members at www.asq-guild.org, feel free to check it out and/or whisper me in game.

Good Luck finding your guild-home & have fun wherever you may settle.

GL of ASq (Gandara, EU)