Looking for Casual WvW / sPvP Guild - Isle of Janthir?
I know your on a different server but if your willing to switch, check out our Guild! We run organised WvW and PvE events. We have alot of both casual and competitive players too.
Heres our thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Pirate-Gaming-Friendly-casual-gaming-community-yarr/first#post232522
Web: www.pirategaming.co.uk
Public teamspeak: ts.pirategaming.co.uk
Hey man, I’m on Deso and I’ve recently created a guild thats main focus is WvW, unfortunately we are not as high level as you. But we are good at WvW, the guild was created to help organize Desolation a bit. We’d be happy if you’d like to join us, Desolation Border Guardians, As we grow in numbers we’d like to also make some events (PvE and tourneys), my character’s name is Sythus Arkane if you’re interested pm me or reply here. Below is the link of why I created the guild
Just another Edit / Side Note: I am Located in the PST Time Zone (West Coast US) So unfortunately I don’t think I am able to join any European Servers,
Sorry I forgot to mention this earlier, thinking about it now I feel dumb for not mentioning something that should probably be a no brainer to mention.