Looking for Finnish guild

Looking for Finnish guild

in Guilds

Posted by: muhconstitution.4052


I’m not actually Finnish just want to read your guild chat and learn also I will wvw with you and spend moniesDD

guy who has a crush on Finnish girl

Looking for Finnish guild

in Guilds

Posted by: muhconstitution.4052


gw forum deleted my “t.” so sorry you had to see that Finland

Looking for Finnish guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Thordred.6250


This isn’t really WvW-related but I have sympathy for your cause so check out www.uusikielemmi.fi if you want to learn some of the basics. Some of the main news sites are www.hs.fi, www.iltasanomat.fi and www.iltalehti.fi if you want to go the whole ‘reading a newspaper’ route to getting a feel for the language, but Finnish is so radically different to other languages (except Estonian) that it’s more difficult to deduce the meaning of words or sentences without learning the basics first.

If you speak to her today (6/12), say ‘hyvää itsenäisyyspäivä’ – she’ll be impressed at your knowledge of important Finnish days :P

Looking for Finnish guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Louhetar.2901


I would also like to join to a Finnish guild if you find one.

Are the guilds binded to the world where they are created of can they be multi-world guilds? For example if I’m playing on Underworld can I still join to a guild that is created in other world?

I’m going to keep eye on this thread

_’ what.

Looking for Finnish guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Thordred.6250


@Louhetar: Guilds are definitely cross-server and I believe they are cross-region as well.

Looking for Finnish guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Surmaturma.4823


I would also like to join to a Finnish guild if you find one.

Are the guilds binded to the world where they are created of can they be multi-world guilds? For example if I’m playing on Underworld can I still join to a guild that is created in other world?

I’m going to keep eye on this thread

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