Looking for Guild (Crystal Desert)
If you don’t mind a free server transfer, feel free to check us out at Disarray (located on Anvil Rock). We are a PvX focused guild of roughly 40 – 45 members. We are looking forward to the in-game event this week, but other than that, you can find us in Explorable mode Dungeons as well as WvW.
Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have, or visit our site at http://www.disarrayguild.com.
Thanks for your time, and good hunting!
If you’re willing to change servers here’s another option for you to have a looksie at:
’ Sinful Individuals [SIN] is a PvX, English speaking, European Guild located on the Gandara server. Dabbles in everything and adapts to the wants of our members. Organised WvWvW twice a week and dungeon runs most nights. Recruiting active players to get involved and enjoy themselves. ’
Please check our website if you’re interested for more information and details on how to join: http://sinful-individuals.enjin.com
Good luck and happy guild hunting.
www.lionsarch.org on Dragonbrand, if you’re willing to change, of course.