Looking for Guild (GLBT Friendly)
D’OH! I forgot!
I’m on Crystal Desert! bows out again
Check out The Crimson Guards :
Hi Corin,
Check out AI — we aren’t a gay guild, but we are friendly, and we have fun
Sorrows Furnace
Hey, Corin.
Why we are not a “gay guild”, we are a very open and friendly group to play with. We are a pvx guild on Crystal Desert with an emphasis on dungeons, wvw, and, now, guild missions. Feel free to drop me a message here or Griff.9302 in game.
I’m not sure if this will help you out or not, but there was a post where someone was looking for ‘gaymers’ guilds.
Here’s the link: any gaymers guilds?
Good luck in finding a home!
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375