Looking for Guild (NSP)
Hey OuchyDathurts!
We’ve got a Small/Medium sized guild on Darkhaven called Order of Shadows that is an 18+ guild mostly comprised of family and friends, making it a very tight knit community that thrives on helping each other out and enjoying the game together. We’d be more than happy to welcome you to our group as well!
While we mostly focus on PvE, we do run events every week, everything from wvw, dungeons, fractals and once guild missions are in we’ll be scheduling those as well. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in check us out at http://www.orderofshadows.net and you can also PM either here or in game if you have any questions for me as well. We have a vent server that we use when we do events together, and even sometimes when we’re just playing.
As far as our server goes it’s fairly well populated in PvE and we’ve won the last few WvW matchups we’ve had as well. We’re also ranked within the top 15 WvW servers the last time I checked.
I really hope you’ll check us out and think about joining us!
I hope to hear from you soon, and if not I hope you find a great guild to call home!
Sounds good but I probably should have said in the OP. I’m on Northern Shiverpeaks server and have no desire to move in the case that friends do return eventually.
Thanks though!
We are a guild on kaineng called Protectors of the Will. 2o Protectors (members) who are looking to have some fun!!!
We are the ones who find Control in the Chaos.
~We are Mesmer’s…
A fellow Norther Shiverpeaker! My guild is looking for members, we’re a bit more on the casual side.
That’s a link to the post where I explain our guild. Feel free to read it and if you’re interested leave a post on it with your IGN and I’ll contact you in game
Hey Ouchy,
I don’t know if you’ve found a guild yet since it seems that you’ve posted quite a time ago, but! You sound like a perfect fit for our guild Secret Order of the White Lotus. We are on Northern Shiverpeaks as well and we’re always running dungeons and/or fractals at any given time in the day. We aren’t a huge guild, but we are very active players (also very talkative, funny, and we try to get to know each other lol we’re very much a family guild :P)and finding parties for dungeons or WvW is never a problem. We also use raid call, if voice chat is something youre interested in.
Feel free to send me a message and I can shoot you an invite(: