Looking for a Casual Guild
we might have a guild and community with similar interests in the guild Diesel Power on Gandara-EU. Check out some details here
and if you see anything you like, feel free to contact us.
Seventh Seal
Hi , DBG is a guild that as we gain more members will focus on all aspects on the game, however our main focus is WvWvW.It is an English speaking guild, members are welcome from all regions. My character is Sythus Arkane if you want to pm me and I hope you consider joining us! If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask
Hi, let me introduce you to my guild.
The Sic is a multi-gaming community that has been around for a little over 7 years now. Our goal has always been to create a family like community of friends that work together and help each other out. We like to have fun and joke around, so if you can take a joke and dish out some of your own you’ll be just fine. Now be warned we’re not for everyone(elitists, whiners, egotistical people, etc.).
Ways To Contact Us :
Website : TheSic.Org or you can whisper me or Caysee here or in game on the Sorrow’s Furnace server.
Also Try : http://www.youtube.com/thesicclan for some of the random video’s posted over the years.
What The Sic offers :
- A Ventrilo Server.
- Interaction with our administrators and knowledge of games.
- A comfortable place to make your mark and be not have to worry about offending anyone.
What do we ask from you :
- Be active in game/on vent.
- 16+ years of age
- A microphone is preferred, but if you don’t have one we only require you be able to listen
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
-Speak your mind.
We’re from Sorrow’s Furnace.
I know that feeling Billy Whispers of Acoma puts no restraints on our members, we are laid back and focus on helping our members. We have events and do all aspects of the game, we also have forums and Teamspeak but none of this is mandatory. Just be sure to have fun so message us in game or here and lets see how we click
Hi Billy,
If your on Sorrow’s Furnace, or don’t mind moving there, we are a small but slowly growing guild that is looking for members like yourself. We are a casual Guild (No forcing anyone to make a certain event or be a certain level) just looking for more people to party with, enjoy the game and help each other out. We have a Forum set up at http://knightsofbeowulf.com and we also have a Ventrilo server for communicating with each other. If your interested you can send me a PM in the forum here, or go to our forums and leave a message on our recruiting page that you are interested in joining. Our regular play times are between 9 PM – 1 AM CST, but we do have others playing at various times around the clock, and hope to fill in all the empty time spaces with the more people we have join us.
Billy, I very much understand your schedule and would in the least be interested in grouping up to party/adventure with you and see if we are a good fit to work together. Not in a guild but have a newer level six alt warrior I am looking to find guildies for. See my post above this and add me if you are interested. Our schedules mesh perfectly man.
I’m east coast, VA (Virginia) btw.
Hey Billy, check us out.
http://www.unknown-warriors.com is our website.
We’re an established guild with most everyone working on either new gear for their L80’s or working to get to L80. We haven’t started structured Guild PvP but there are a few of us that play it. Our main game times are from 6pm – 2am central. Casual as ya need us to be =)
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Hey Billy
I think you might be a good fit for Forbidden. We are mostly a casual guild but we take our relationships with eachother seriously. We would love to be able to spend some time with you. We are currently on the Yak’s Bend server if you dont mind transferring while transfers are still free. We are looking for good solid likeminded people who will be in it for the long haul. The only thing we ask is good communication which requires regular forum activity.
Check out our post and see if Forbidden is right for you.
Hope we hear from you and good luck with your search
About CGU :
CGU (Crimson Guards United) Gaming has been established since 2003. Our goal has been aimed towards uniting friends and expanding our game play on multiple gaming platforms.
Ways To Contact Us :
Website : “http://www.cgunited.net”
TeamSpeak3 :
E-mail : cgunitedgaming@gmail.com
Also Try : YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, Steam
What CGU offers :
- A TeamSpeak3 Server
- The opportunity to network with a wide range of diverse gamer’s
- In-game Events
- A well organized group of leaders to help strengthen your abilities as a member and a gamer
What do we ask from you :
- Be active for our weekly meetings
- 15+ years of age
- Please have a headset/mic to communicate with (exceptions may be made)
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
*How to apply * :
Come on our TeamSpeak3 server and speak with a admin with the title G.C. (Global Council)
Team Speak