Looking for a PVE guild on Tarnished Coast

Looking for a PVE guild on Tarnished Coast

in Guilds

Posted by: Mtlegacy.7586


Hey all,

I recently transferred to Tarnished Coast in an effort to find a more mature, friendlier community. So far I’ve really enjoyed my time spent on the server but I haven’t had much luck in finding a guild.

I’m looking for a group of players who enjoy PVE and dungeon runs. I’ll use whatever voice chat software your guild uses, and I’ll represent your guild 100% of the time. If you are recruiting and would like to add another player to your ranks, please let me know here on the forums or in-game. Thank you!

Looking for a PVE guild on Tarnished Coast

in Guilds

Posted by: Aryan Sin.1465

Aryan Sin.1465

I’m not necessarily a part of any Guild myself at this point, but I am in your exact same position, and I personally just made a choice to apply to “The Shadow Legion.”

They’ve got a real nifty, thorough recruitment page with all their history included here:

You could even find the link to their website from there~

Best of luck in finding a Guild! :)
Maybe we’ll see each other around.

I don’t think that Sin and pursuing happiness are not the same thing.