Looking for a PvE hardcore guild.
What server and realm (EU / NA) are you on? What class(es) do you run in FotM? If you want I can just add you to my friends list and whisper you when my guild does a L48 FotM. I don’t want to advertise us as hardcore, though, because we’re definitely not, but we’d be happy to invite you to runs.
Hey, my home server right now is Kaening. I run fotm with my warrior on high level but i have also a guardian and a mesmer. Of course you can add me and if i can i will help you.
Check us out at http://www.pathwalkers.info. We focus on dungeons and achievements, especially Dungeon Master (we run all paths regularly). We have guild bounties unlocked and are working on guild treks.
We aren’t “hardcore” (our highest FoTM is 29) but we do have a policy of traditional content completion (we don’t skip mobs or exploit bosses).
We also do fun events from time to time: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1a00qe/how_to_play_super_smash_brothers_in_gw2/
Thanks kandolo, I’m more interested in speed run group though. I’m still looking for a guild, by the way.