Looking for a WvW focused guild

Looking for a WvW focused guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Carpathian.3965



I’m looking for a WvW focused guild to call my new home. My home server is Ring of Fire [EU]. I’m returning after a long break, and I’m looking to focus mainly on PVP. Since my return, I’ve been leveling a thief, and I plan to make it my PVP character at lvl 80. I would like to join a guild that has planned WvW activities, and a visionary leadership. If the guild is well established, I’m willing to consider a server transfer.

About myself: I have a lot of MMO experience, as well as guild leadership experience (4 years as leader of a major WoW guild on Shadowsong). I like to get to know the games I’m playing in depth, and I love doing research about my current class. I’m in my twenties, with quite a bit of spare time on my hands in the evenings (3-4 hours a day). With the right guild, I’d love to do my best in making that guild the best it can be! (within the plan that the leadership have installed of course)

(edited by Carpathian.3965)

Looking for a WvW focused guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Geronomo.5317


Hey! Maybe you’d consider The Dead Gods on Blackgate. I realize it’s a lot to consider due to the transfer, so I’d understand if you decided against it.

We’re mainly a WvW guild, but we also do dungeons, sPvP, and world bosses in our off time, just for kittens and giggles. We tend to run WvW nightly, if circumstances permit, and we have a teamspeak to communicate on.

We’re pretty laid back about participation— you don’t have to come to a guild event if you don’t want to. I want to call us a casual WvW guild, but that gives the wrong idea.

We take small groups into the borderlands for camp flipping, harassing, and generally just drawing attention away from our larger zerg. The co-leader and I are actually saving up for a commander tag at the moment, so hopefully that’ll be done soon and we can lead large groups ourselves.

Our teamspeak and guild chat can get pretty offensive at times, so be warned about that. It’s never serious, but I could see how it could offend some people.

As for learning your class, the co-leader actually mains an 80 thief right now, so I’m sure he could help you out with that as far as builds, techniques, and all that goes. I’m mentoring a new mesmer we recruited off the forums recently, and it’s going great. We have someone for every class who can help you learn it.

We aren’t terribly large— we have 92 members, and about 15 actively go in and out of WvW with us. See, we started the guild last fall, and then went inactive, so we’re still weeding out the members that went inactive as well.

Our ranking system has 3 ranks, excluding the leader rank. You go up to the second rank by being active either in guild chat or guild activities. You become an officer if you show leadership qualities on a guild run. It’s simple,. and it’s been effective so far.

We’re a close-knit group, with a relaxed schedule. If that sounds good to you, send me a message on the forums, reply on here, or send me something in game and you can ask any question you want!

Here’s a video of us running Wvw recently. Not the most productive, but we have fun doing what we do. Again, warning for potentially offensive language. Which you’ll be hearing plenty of in the guild, haha.

The Seldom Seen, Mesmer- [Gods] (I have a commander tag now!)
Co-leader of the Dead Gods on Blackgate!

Looking for a WvW focused guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Carpathian.3965


Thanks for the reply!

It is not a big problem that you’re based in another server, as long as it is EU it’s completely fine. I think there would be a problem with the time zone differences though, since you’re on NA servers. I’ll make it clear in my original post that I’m searching for EU based guilds.

P.S. Your video is hilarious (:

(edited by Carpathian.3965)

Looking for a WvW focused guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Geronomo.5317


Good luck in your search for one! There are plenty of good ones roaming around the forums. We’re active during EU hours, if you care to know, but it still might be best for you to get to a guild that’ll definitely be on for your timezone. Again, good luck!

The Seldom Seen, Mesmer- [Gods] (I have a commander tag now!)
Co-leader of the Dead Gods on Blackgate!

Looking for a WvW focused guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Arathor.7419


hi there carpathian we would love to accept you into our guild in gunnar’s hold EU , we can also help you with transferring , please contact me ingame , Arathor Greywing

we are High Tier [HT]

- we are a guild that exist for over 5 months+ , our main focus is WvW

-we play on , Gunnar’s Hold

- what we have to offer :-)

  • a friendly / helpfull community
  • a guild with experienced WvW skilled players
  • 90+ active members!
  • almost all upgrades!
  • weekly WvW operations , and once a week guild events!
  • 4x WvW commander ,
  • a teamspeak server 200 slots.
  • Guild Forums

- what we are looking for

  • active WvW players who are willing to teamplay with their guildmembers

- Requirements

  • teamspeak 3
  • act mature ( Fun is allowed ofcourse but no racism or anykind of this )

- contact

  • Arathor.7519
  • Umti.6892
  • Batista.3417
  • Flow.2947
A wolf among sheep

Looking for a WvW focused guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Carpathian.3965


Hello Arathor!

Your guild sounds perfect for me, and I’ve just checked, transferring to your server would be for free, since it’s population is medium. I will contact you in game.

Looking for a WvW focused guild

in Guilds

Posted by: The Holy Eldar.3624

The Holy Eldar.3624

Hey there,
I’d like to introduce Second Law [Scnd]. We are a 35 roster WvW focused guild which holds daily raids from 19GMT – …, currently fielding between 15-20 players each night but looking to a grow a bit more.

We play on Piken Square, a very guild focused WvW server which is currently ranked #7th in the EU ladder. Since we are medium a transfer is free this week!
Check out our website for some videos: http://secondlaw.guildlaunch.com/sections/videos/

If you want some more info, feel free to have a chat ingame or on our Teamspeak!

Acan Stoneheart
Immortal Kingdom [KING] – Officer
Second Law [Scnd] Filthy Casual

Looking for a WvW focused guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Aisina.4963


Hi, I’m a council member from Praxium [PRXM] on Gunnars Hold (EU).

PRXM was founded pre-beta specifically for Guild Wars 2. We currently have a roster of just over 70 members, allowing us to keep that friendly family feeling!

We are a WvW focused guild, who offers WvW throughout EU daytime and evening. Our interest is in Zerg busting and open field PvP and we work with the Gunnars community through www.gunnars-hold.eu to ensure server wide success.

- We field between 15 – 25 players each evening as a coordinated group
- Experienced players from every class, willing to help
- Twice weekly bounty hunt for that free ascended gear
- Guild forums and mumble used regularly
- Good relations with other server WvW guilds
- 7 WvW commanders, we never run out

Our requirements are few:

- Always represent us while in WvW
- Don’t multi guild for bountys
- Make sure you can at least listen to our voice comms

For more information, please don’t hesitate to get in contact!


S/F Asuran Elementalist

(edited by Aisina.4963)

Looking for a WvW focused guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Screenager.7804



I am an officer and community lead for Afterlife Gaming

We are a pvp based guild and community spanning a few games including aion wow and gw2.

We have been around since 2009 where we formed in Aion on Telemachus and have had significant success in mmos since.

In Guild Wars 2 our main focus is the WvW side of the game.

As a semi hardcore to hardcore guild we have a good number of well skilled players and do have attendance requirements for wvw raiding if you are online.

We use teamspeak for comms and expect users to use this.

We have an experienced team of 4 commanders in game.

We run on Desolation Server which, although a High pop server, allows us to enter WvW nightly as a guild with little to no queuing time and co ordinate with our allies effectively.

While this would require a server transfer for yourself I would encourage you to check out our website and feel free to drop in on a wvw raid n teamspeak to see if we fit your style of play.

In return we will provide a pvp community, wvw raids every night with experienced raid leads and well established allies.

thanks for your time



Executed [ExE] – Piken Square