Looking for a fractals guild

Looking for a fractals guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Arc Angelus.2109

Arc Angelus.2109

I’m looking for a guild who run fractals often and don’t mind a noob fractals runner or require me to represent 100% when not running fractals etc.

Server: anvil rock
Class: necromancer (sorry XD)

Looking for a fractals guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

Legion of Doom [LOD] is a 7-year old high-end PvE guild with strong roots in endgame on Sanctum of Rall. Back in GW1 we were very well known as a Domain of Anguish Speed Clear guild and hold ties for the all-time records for completion times for Domain of Anguish and Urgoz. In GW2 we’re based on the Sanctum of Rall server where our main goals are dungeon runs, level 30+ fractals, world events, and (starting this week) guild bounty missions! Right now we’re fairly small with ~35 active members but we’re looking to expand to our GW1 size of 100 active members! Guild buffs are up constantly, we have our own TS3 server and are a pretty fun bunch!

While many of our players are east coast, we have a bunch of west-coasters, euros, and even a few oceanic players as well, and there are definitely a ton of people up well into the night. If you’re interested stop by our forums (here) and fill out an application. Cheers!

The Battle Bakery [vPie]