Looking for a friendly furry guild
I am Silvian Grey the Creator of the Bestial Menace [BSTM] Guild, and most of the guild is on Ehmry Bay including my self. We are small but active guild always looking for new members. We have a Guild Emblem, Armorsmith, Guild Bank, and right now just saving the influence till we decide where we want to go with it. We are very laid back and friendly guild who enjoy PvE, some of us also enjoy PvP and the WvWvW. We do not have any major rules and we are pretty social on the game. We also happen to have a guild forum which we have just made this week. Note there is not many posts in it at this time, it was only just created and its there for when we decide we want to chat or discuss things as a guild/community out side of the game and even for planning events. We pretty much help each other, make friends, and have fun as a guild.
We worked very hard on the buttons and banner to make it look good and official; so feel free to check that out if you wish.
Let me know if you are interested in checking our guild out or have any questions. You can contact me on here or you can send a mail to my character in the game as “Silvian Grey”, additionally you can contact me via skype as “mnwolfboy”.
Hope to hear back,
~Silvian Grey
PS: A nice majority of us is Furry. It is partially why we chose Bestial Menace as the name. I am a Leopard Wolf
(edited by mnwolfboy.9348)
Heya The Drake
Jaded[Jade] on Darkhaven is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members. We’re Charr friendly! We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have active forums and a vent server which we mostly use for dungeon runs.
Things you can expect from joining Jaded:
- Friendly Guildies
- Dungeon parties
- Light PvP, both WvW and Structured
- An abnormal love for Quaggans
Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings with a current average online between 20-30 players.
Take a gander over at our forums over at:
If we sound like the right home for you, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers and/or the in-game mail system. We’ll get back to you asap to answer any questions you may have.
Guild Co-Leader – Vecuu Raine
Guild Co-Leader – Raelin Flameseeker
Guild Treasurer – Shira Nolar
Tyrian Claws [CLAW] is a large guild i’ve joined on Ehmry Bay, they are nice and helpful on average theres about 40+ people on at any given time to help out and answer questiond or to just chat too, does seem to be furry exclusive or 95% furry anyway. You can throw me a mail/IM/whisper( ThrottleFox.2735) in game, im not a leader but I can get an invite send out to you, or you can go check out the profile “guildwars2furs” on FA(im sure you know what FA is), has more info and leaders to contact and so forth.
Looking for a good fit is challenge for sure
Here is who we are:
~Ministry of the Crescent Moon~is recruiting specific types of players.
We are a US based, laid back mature group of people, most of whom have been gaming for 10+ years. We pride ourselves on our dry humor, laughter, and having good times with good people. We strive to uphold a positive game etiquette, and to maintain a respectful game play environment. We are about enjoying all the game has to offer and helping each other progress through the content. If you are looking for a laid back guild free of mindless childish chatter who offer some dry humorous antidotes to escape the daily real life grind then our guild is for you. We are real life adults (certified!), we are experienced gamers, with professions, real life obligations outside the game. We don’t equate real life self esteem with how much we can crit in a dungeon, though we pride ourselves on our mad skills
We don’t try to add add quantity to our roster, only quality people.
If you are friendly, slightly crazy but in a good way and don’t mind laughing so hard from guild chat you run off cliffs & pull 20 centaurs at once, then this is a good fit for you.
Simply-We want to be a good fit for you, as well as you being a good fit for us.
It seems that there are a lot of guilds out there that have what we consider to be ludicrous requirements for membership.
“Moonies” are not required to spend any “set” amount of time in game. Log in when you feel like it. Once in, spend your time doing what is fun for you. If you like dungeons and pvp, enjoy! If those things are not your cup of tea, by all means, don’t do them! Keep your money! We will not “tax” you or ask you to contribute real life or game cash for anything. Ever. Group and participate in guild chat if/when you feel like it. Quietly do your thing solo if that’s what you enjoy.
It’s your game! You have and are paying for this journey. We just want to share it with you and hopefully make it a little more fun and entertaining.
If you are looking for a fun group of friendly, drama free, helpful, and utterly goofy people to play with, you have found it! Humor is our Medicine! ~PVE~PVP~WvW~Ventrilo
Fill out an application on our site and send a PM to any officer on homepage if you feel we are a good fit for you.
If by furry, you mean… oh nevermind, that would be TMI and would get me in trouble.
I’m very friendly, helpful, but rather shy.
You may not believe me, but I can totally relate. I enjoy the game and knew at some point I’d have to join a guild because to be honest, there’s only so much you can do alone. None of my friends were playing GW2 and so I wasn’t looking forward to the process of looking for a guild. I’ve also been burnt out on MMOs in general so the last thing I wanted to do was go through an application process and BS my way about why I wanted to join a group of people I didn’t know. Thankfully I stumbled upon AI’s recruitment post, asked about joining, and was in. They’ve been a great bunch of people to play with. They didn’t push me into joining groups or participating into events but at the same time people made the point to say hello and see how things were going. So far, I really like it and that’s why you’ll see me out here encouraging others to check them out.
Still looking for the guild I will fit well (agreeing with Azulia… a real challenge)
For those who don’t know… i’m not looking for a guild of Charrs but of members from a fandom.
I mostly try to whisper you in game. If ever I can’t find you, I will leave you a mail.
Well Charr is the most well developed race in my opinion Have you heard of WoA? If not join us on our Teamspeak and chat to us, we could go on for hours about the lore of GW and the Charr. Our TS info is on our website, link in my signature, chat with us as I won’t be in game for a few hours yet.
I like to think Bestial Menace is a decent guild. Majority of us are Furries and not just because we are Charrs. We are pretty friendly, I mean some of us might bite O.o JK!!. We are a small guild but we are looking to grow, and best of all were not simply just online, but rather are online playing together and help each other. Were chatty on the guild chat as well. Some of us likes to play PvP and WvW, while rest of us like to enjoy PvE.
Turial: okay, I will give it a try later ^^’
wolfboy: I already tried several time to contact you in game while you’re online, but you never answered…
I don’t mean to try to steal the thunder from you Drake, but is it fine if I can look for a guild here too? I’m trying to get into a furry guild also. The only problem is I’m on TC and everyone is too busy roleplaying haha. If you want me to delete this post later, I will.
Anywho, I also have a Charr engineer at level 80(guess it really is a fur thing ha) I’m usually in game from late afternoons to late night(PST) so feel free to whisper me in game
Again, I apologize Drake if this bothers you.
we might have a guild and community with similar interests in the guild Diesel Power on Gandara-EU. Check out some details here
and if you see anything you like, feel free to contact us.
Seventh Seal
Furry guild here on TC, here’s some info! 200+ furries!
Home World: Tarnished Coast
Guild Name: Tail Swishers [Furs]
Guild Website: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gw2furries
In-Game Contact: Dragsooth.4071 or Sawnic.6795
Focus: PvX, PvE, PvP, WvW, and even some RP
Quick Notes: We are a furry focused guild. We accept furries and furry tolerant!
Furry guild here on TC, here’s some info!
200+ furries!
Home World: Tarnished Coast
Guild Name: Tail Swishers [Furs]
Guild Website: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gw2furries
In-Game Contact: Dragsooth.4071 or Sawnic.6795
Focus: PvX, PvE, PvP, WvW, and even some RP
Quick Notes: We are a furry focused guild. We accept furries and furry tolerant!
Wow. Necro much?
If your going to copy/paste recruit at least look at the date….
Knights of Ares [ARES] - Apply Now
Website: http://knights-of-ares.enjin.com/
wait. what is a furry guild?