Looking for a friendly guild

Looking for a friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I am currently looking for a medium to large size active guild with a friendly community. I am a casual player who tends to hop around with characters but will fully represent the guild on all characters (6 total, 2 80s). I focus on PvE and dungeons however I am willing to do some WvW or SPvP (I am a complete noob when it comes to this though).

I am in the EST time zone and on the Blackgate server (I can transfer to another server). I typically only play on weekends.

Also, I do not have any sort of voice communication nor do I plan to have it in the future.

Thank you!

Looking for a friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


Looking for a friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Codmando.7042


Hello Acarius i am Codmando of Frag Xperts. I believe we are what you are looking for. We are a friendly guild looking to expand with friendly people for every aspect of the game. We are a medium guild but have all the perks of the bigger guilds. If you would like u can check out our stats here. or message me in game and we can talk. Thanks and enjoy guild wars.

[PREA] Havok Squad for SoR

Looking for a friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hello Acarius

I hear you on the voice communication. I hate it. I have it, and use it on occasion when we’re doing an event or a tough dungeon, but mostly I just hate it.

AI is a social guild — we exist pretty much entirely to have fun people to play with, we do have Mumble available for anyone who wants to use it, but mostly people don’t just hang out in Mumble. Our guild chat is lively, people do type, people do read what others type. We run fractals, dungeons, goof around with sPvP on Friday and play more seriously on Wednesday, WvW as a guild about once a week, and we have begun to run guild bounties. We have just over 150 players, but since we’re very open about people representing other guilds there’s probably anywhere from 25-40 on at primetime on any given night.

Our recruitment thread is here:

If you’re interested in joining just give a shout

Sorrows Furnace

(edited by Aye.8392)

Looking for a friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Well, you’ve already got a few hits from others, but reading your post makes me feel like you might be a really good fit for [VZ] given your maturity, style, and so forth.

VZ is a casual guild on the NA SBI server with 45-55 players, and despite being very casual, we do top-end PvE and WvW every night and are darned good at it. We’re a tight-knit community, and while many other guilds might just want you only to be another member, we are looking for cool people who are looking for friends. We want to get to know you, and to have fun as friends. Maybe that sounds cheesy, but maybe that’s exactly what you’re looking for too. We’re a few days out from our guild bounties, and we’re excited to get those started. It’s also convenient that you’re on the EST timezone, because lots of us are there too. We have a TS server, but using it isn’t required. I just have it because I think some people prefer it, and I think if they do, more power to them.

Anyway, if you’re interested, you can PM me here or in-game. For more information, the link to the guild’s recruitment thread is in my signature below. I’d be more than happy to chat with you and work out any sort of concerns you might have, but I don’t want to harass you, so if you’re interested, just let me know and we can go from there.

Either way, good luck in finding what you’re looking for.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Looking for a friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: NorthStar.3798



We are on Sanctum of Rall server and we are very active and friendly semi-hard core guild that focus mostly on WvW and PvE.

We also have the required Trees/Ranks to unlock more Guild Missions.

Our guild information is below:


Tag: [VNG]
Focus: Casual and Semi – Hardcore
Time Zone: Mostly EST and PST
VOIP – Mumble
Website: http://www.VengeanceClan.com

If you have any questions please PM me here or in the game!

Sanctum of Rall