Looking for a fun guild :)
Rafiella, our guild is friendly, laid-back and is comprised of mostly adults who have to juggle between gaming, our jobs, and our families. We are not all that large of a guild (roughly 30 players), and there’s about 10 or 12 of us who play on a pretty regular basis at least every other night.
We typically run PVE most of the time, and love to run dungeons when we can (been on an AC kick for the past few weeks), including fractals on occasions. We love to have a good time and chat, and don’t take ourselves or this game too seriously, as it is just a game at the end of the day.
Voice chat is available but is honestly rarely ever used. Please feel free to check us out at sempermoxie.enjin.com. We don’t take the website too seriously, maybe posting something every now and then on the forums.
We’re looking for another handful of active PVE/Dungeon players to join. We’d love to have you join us on the YB server.
Weird/awkward == different/unique, so you would be welcomed in our guild.
Feel free to send me a PM/Mail here or ingame.
Ima Seamstress (IGN)
Goodbye Mr Anderson (IGN)
The Society [SCTY] on YB
Hi Rafiella!
Our guild is welcoming of you as an individual and will appreciate any uniqueness you bring to the table. Our guild is The Burning Crusade and we are located on Crystal Desert. We pride ourselves on QUALITY versus quantity people. We’re not looking to meet some magical number of member ship. We are looking for quality people who are completion oriented, fun to be with & likes to be social. We focus on PvE and WvW primarily. More so on PvE right now. Our guild is fairly new but it’s potential is huge. We have Teamspeak for voice comms and a forum website — http://burningcrusade.enjin.com
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Or your welcome to complete an application on our forums.
Best of luck to you in your search for a guild!
Hey Rafiella!
We’ve got a Small/Medium sized guild on Darkhaven called Order of Shadows that is an 18+ guild mostly comprised of family and friends, making it a very tight knit community that thrives on helping each other out and enjoying the game together. We’d be more than happy to welcome you to our group as well!
While we mostly focus on PvE, we do run events every week, everything from wvw, dungeons, fractals and once guild missions are in we’ll be scheduling those as well. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in check us out at http://www.orderofshadows.net and you can also PM either here or in game if you have any questions for me as well. We have a vent server that we use when we do events together, and even sometimes when we’re just playing.
As far as our server goes it’s fairly well populated in PvE and we’ve won the last three WvW matchups we’ve had as well. We’re also ranked within the top 15 WvW servers the last time I checked.
I really hope you’ll check us out and think about joining us!
I hope to hear from you soon, and if not I hope you find a great guild to call home!
Hey Rafiella,
We’re a brand new guild and don’t have many people yet – however the people we do have are all very nice. We’re looking to expand a bit so maybe you’d be a good fit for us.
We are The Garbage Men [TGM] because we take out the trash in dungeons. We’re a guild primarily focused on running dungeons but running them for the sake of running them and not for tokens. So we don’t just run though the dungeon, we stop and fight everything. We also do events and are helpful and friendly. If you need help somewhere in Guild Wars than we’ll be there for you. We’re trying to build a community of people who wants to do dungeons because they’re fun =)
We’re friendly and totally welcoming of new dungeoneers! We’re really nice and won’t get mad if you mess up at all. I still mess up >.> We usually just have a good laugh and keep going. We’re currently investing in a mumble and getting everything tidied up so that should be implemented this week =)
We’re currently on Crystal Desert and Sorrow’s Furnace but it doesn’t really matter because you can dungeon anywhere.
PM: Saebrial, Koerim, or Ironhall to join
Mail: Daelwyn.3967
If you want more information you can message me or check here =)
[TGM]A Guild for Clearing Dungeon Trash
Mail: Daelwyn.3967 for invite
Shooting you a PM!