Looking for a fun guild join
If you are still in search of a home you are more than welcome to join us at The Sic on Sorrow’s Furnace. We are a seven (7) year multi-gaming community who utilize vent and forums. We are striving to build our numbers and help all members achieve max level to enjoy end-game content. We want to experience all aspects of the game from map exploration, dungeons, PvP and WvWvW.
We welcome all classes and levels and will assist you in any way possible to make your gaming experience more enjoyable. Our guild has everything from veteran MMORPG players to players who are just now getting a feel for these types of games. We would also be more than happy to answer any questions that you would have concerning the game, helping with story line quests, dynamic events and learning the mechanics of dungeons. Games are ment to be enjoyable and we stand by this to the fullest extent. We don’t strive to be the best of the best, rather we strive to have as much fun as possible. If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, please feel free to message Caysee with any questions or if you would like an invite. You can also visit our website at www.thesic.org.
Hi! Ehmrys Finest is recruiting members right now. We have a few leadership roles available if your intrested in helping me build a competitive guild for WvWvW. Check out our website or our thread.
Skyfall Empire might be what you looking for! https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Jade-Quarry-Skyfall-Empire-Recruiting/first#post109990
Check this out and pm me what u think
Heya Choozay, Dragon Chow on The Sanctum of Rall Server is a small friends guild that is slowly expanding. we are based in the US on the west coast. Mostly we are active evenings and weekends. We do alot of PvE and a little PvP/WvW. We enjoy helping and making friends and exploring the world of GW2. If this sounds like what you want and your intrested, you can PM me or contact us in game.
Traci Surion (Leader)
Dalilha Mae (Officer)
Ruby Dragonfire (Officer)
Hey Choozay,
The guild Jacurutu is looking for players right now. We are a small guild but looking to grow. We are on Blackgate. If your interested send a pm to me on the forums or in game look for Jayva.
Hi Choozay,
If you don’t mind moving over to Sorrow’s Furnace, we (Knights of Beowulf) are looking for new guildies. We are just starting out, so fairly small (5 atm), but we are more about helping each other out and working as a team then rushing to 80. Once we do level up a bit we will be more active on the PVP side of things, although I am always looking for people to come with me into the sPVP servers. We have a Ventrilo server and will have a forum site up fairly soon. You can message me on the forums or whisper me in game on Psyzin.
Our usual playtimes right now are between 9 PM – 1 AM CST, until we can get more people signed up, hoping to cover all playtimes.
If you are still looking for a guild, please check out Ecclesia on the Ehmry Bay server. We are a group of casual mature players who believe that when someone logs onto a game they want to relax and have fun.
I have been fortunate to belong to this guild for over 4 years and know that the members know how to have fun and believe in helping out as they have time. We use Teamspeak and chat as we either solo explore or help out each other.
We have members who are into PvP, Pve, instances and WvW, actually there is a WvW being planned for this Saturday for guild participation.
Please check us out at www.ecclesiaguild.com
Evening Choozay, Whispers of Acoma is recruiting members on the Crystal Desert server. We focus on a fun, friendly and mature experience for all players and accept players from all skill levels. Forums and Teamspeak available to members, we also like to help players to advance along the way, no point in leaving folks behind WoA is a good choice for you and is exactly what you are looking for. PM me here or in game with any questions.
’Morning, Choozay.
I’m Crow, from Guild Aeterna. We’re based in Ferguson’s Crossing and might be the guild for you if you’re willing to change servers.
A quick breakdown: We have about 50ish people in the guild with 10-15 people online throughout the day/night. We run WvW about 7-10 hours a day (lol, I know, crazy, the guys love WvW) with 2-3 full parties at a time. We’ll usually drop siege weapons as well. The guild’s core members are close friends and the newer members easily integrate into the guild.
We’ll always be on Mumble, chatting it up and so forth. Seeing how you said you might need help with certain aspects of the game, we have plenty of well-versed players that will be more than capable of answering your questions about any class. Give me a message if you’re interested. =)
-Crow (In-game-name: Arlidin)
We have a guild forum. Check it out if you’re interested. =D
(edited by Crow.5849)
If you’re still looking feel free to check Aim To Misbehave [AIMS] on Darkhaven. We’ve got about 20 active members but are growing. We do a bit of everything: dungeon runs, WvW, sPvP, or just shooting the breeze in guild chat We’ve also been known to do some “just for the fun of it” stuff like trivia and scavenger hunts.
Here’s our recruit thread if you want more info: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Aim-To-Misbehave-AIMS-PVX-Darkhaven-is-Recruiting/first#post26765
About CGU :
CGU (Crimson Guards United) Gaming has been established since 2003. Our goal has been aimed towards uniting friends and expanding our game play on multiple gaming platforms.
Ways To Contact Us :
Website : www.cgunited.net
TeamSpeak3 :
E-mail : cgunitedgaming@gmail.com
Also Try : YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, Steam
What CGU offers :
- A TeamSpeak3 Server
- The opportunity to network with a wide range of diverse gamer’s
- In-game Events
- A well organized group of leaders to help strengthen your abilities as a member and a gamer
What do we ask from you :
- Be active for our weekly meetings
- 15+ years of age
- Please have a headset/mic to communicate with (exceptions may be made)
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
*How to apply *:
Come on our TeamSpeak3 server and speak with a admin with the title G.C. (Global Council)
Team Speak