Looking for a good guild
If you’re still looking my guild is recruiting, we’re a casual guild with hardcore tendencies based out of Colorado and we’re always looking to help out fellow guildies.
The Cassiline Brotherhood is a guild on Ehmry Bay. We’re dedicated to good times and having fun, more than likely while enjoying some booze. We have no specific focus towards PvP or PvE but instead plan on doing it all and basically just having a good time, whatever that might involve at the moment. We have dungeon runs pretty much nightly and even do the occasional guild PvP on the weekends.
We are a medium sized guild with around 60 members though our tightnit group in the guild is around 20. We have an active base, with TS3, a guild website and tons of guild upgrades including a treasure trove and all upgrades at a minimum of lvl 3.
We are an adult guild so adult language and jokes can be expected, if not encouraged! Consider yourself warned.
If you’re interested go to www.thecassilinebrotherhood.com and fill out an application and we’ll be sure to invite you in game ASAP.
I am the guild leader for Cry Havoc. We’re a small guild on Emhry bay. Now, you may think small = bad, but that just means that there is room for you! we have 17 players, (all adults except for my 15 year old son) and we love this game too!
we usually play from 2 or 3 eastern till about 10 or 11 eastern, but you can find some of our guys on all night. We run dungeons daily, and I might brag a little and say we’re getting pretty good at it.
We use ventrilo for everything…we’re usually yacking about something in there, even if it isnt necessarily about the game, its more social. but we require everyone to have it, so that we can be better organized, (plus we are too lazy to type anymore)
We are a group of friends, but we arent a clique, so there wont be any problem with you not being able to get in on what we’re doing.
last thing is, we are on the Emhry bay server, but as of right now, server transferrs are free, so as long as you use ventrilo, we’d love to have you.
you can mail me here or in game malifect.2310
(edited by Malifect.2310)
The Tenacious Affliction
We are a fun, friendly and helpful guild. We like to make sure all of our members are high enough leveled with great gear. We are located on Yak’s Bend. We are very coordinated in World vs World, but we do still play PvE and a little PvP. We are more of a casual guild. We do enjoy having a lot of people in TeamSpeak, even without a mic you can listen and reply in Guild Chat. We are also searching for more active & loyal officers! PM me in game or hop in TeamSpeak and have a chat! Thanks!
TeamSpeak –
Leader of [TTA]The Tenacious Affliction
Hello! If you’re new a fun social guild may be what you are looking for. We are new so we are not too big that you will get lost in the crowd! Check us out at www.indulgeatnight.com Maguuma server EST. Mumble available.
Nocturnal Indulgence [NOX]
Hey there!
My name is Lanka, and I’m Guild leader of Imperium, a mature guild with European players.
Our guild is full of mature, helpful people. We’re all 21 + in age. Doesn’t mean we’re all serious adults though, can still laugh and have fun !
Our guild is small and we like it that way. Every member is a person and not a number. Yeah we recruit the player not the person. We have around 70 members at the moment, which I think is quite a lot, but 50% of them are casual players. The other 50% is pretty active.
We run regular non mandatory events and members often organize their own dungeon runs over the guild chat. In fact we do something every day, but people can choose whatever they want to do, if they rather do something else.
We use voice chat mostly to chit chat and joke around. For us, vent is not only used for doing events together, but also to get to know each other. Using vent outside of dungeons and events is thus greatly encouraged. That doesn’t mean we don’t use the guild chat though. We have members that never speak on vent because of family issues.
We are not elitist, but we know how to get things done. We have quite a few “experienced” players who are helpful and tell you how you can do certain things. I truly hate elitism myself and more importantly, we’d never single someone out.
We have active forums and voice chat. All our events are announced there and also the contests we hold. We have a screenshot contest every month with nice prizes, a lottery, in game guild meetings. Obviously if you’re not interested in these things, they aren’t mandatory. But it’s those little things that add to our community. And as I said before, our vent channel is really active.
Our officers know how to run events effectively and aren’t afraid to say when someone isn’t doing what they are supposed to be doing (but in a nice way) and doesn’t get all mad and kitten off. I run most PVE content, and 3 other people are holding wvW content.
Obviously for a lot of these things, you will just have to wait and see what we’re all about. I don’t wan’t you to think that I’m just answering the way I think you’d want to be answered. If you have any questions, feel free to reply. We can also arrange a chat on out Vent if you want.
Our forum can be found here: http://www.imperium.co
Take Care now, and hope to hear from you!
Hello cmp,
I am currently running a friends and family guild that you may be interested in. We do have a Ventrillo server which we enjoy using while grouped for dungeons and PvP. We always enjoy welcoming people to the game who are simply looking to make some new friends that like to help each with the game.
Check out our bio below and let me know if you are interested!
Home World: Maguuma
Guild Name: Heroic Heroes of Heroism [HHH]
Focus: PvE and PvP (mostly WvW)
VoIP: Ventrillo
Prime time: 8 PM – 12 AM Eastern, and anytime on weekends
Our guild has one rule: thou shall not be a prick.
Heroic Heroes of Heroism was founded by several friends who have known each other, and have gamed together for well over 10 years. As adults, at this point in our lives many of us have full time jobs, significant others, and / or children of our own. While our personal lives and entanglements may take up much of our time and attention, there still remains at least one constant: we love to game together and interact with like minded people!
We wanted to create a Guild Wars 2 guild where all kinds of great and friendly players could pool together to enhance their gaming experience, regardless of whether your schedule is busy or flexible. A place where all players involved felt like they were a part of a meaningful community of great people. Above all else, we just want to PLAY and have a great time doing it! We do not have any mandatory events which require you to commit regular play time, but we highly encourage our members to organize optional nights and activities as long as your fellow players in the guild are kept in mind.
If you want to join a group of mature, open minded, and at times hilariously demented people (in a non-murderous kind of way), then we would love to have you on-board to take this ride with HHH. Hell, we’ll even cater to anti-social cat lovers!
Please feel free to contact us via in game mail, whisper, or a PM on the forums.
Dr Higgs Boson/Xavier.2356
Hello cmp,
I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cosy laid back guild.
We have only 32 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we still maintain to keep the family feeling.
Most of our members are 18+ right now, I would not mind taking younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.
Although we are small, we have a very active group of people now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.
We have RaidCall, and all actives are on there on a daily basis as well.
Please take a look at our forums: http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/
Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld
I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch
in game character: Xena Love/Luna Loves, whisper me any time.
http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/WeRInStyle