Looking for a guild
Someone interested in leadership?! Amazing!
Check your PMs :P
If you are still in search of a home you are more than welcome to join us at The Sic on Sorrow’s Furnace. We are a seven (7) year multi-gaming community who utilize vent and forums. We are striving to build our numbers and help all members achieve max level to enjoy end-game content. We want to experience all aspects of the game including map exploration, dungeons, PvP and WvWvW. Please feel free to message Caysee, Loosifah or Thievus if you have any questions or would like an invite. You can also visit our website at www.thesic.org.
Mjollnir is recruiting on the Jade Quarry server. We are a relaxed group of people who enjoy all aspects of the game. We want to grow large enough to always have people to group with, but we don’t want anybody to feel as if they don’t belong. We use vent and skype, but do not require others to use it. A webpage is forthcoming. For more information about us, please check out the following links.
Gate of Madness server, drunk family of fun aka Killed by Death
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia
We run guild boosters daily to help our members progress and organize groups to walkthrough WvW/PvE content. We are online mostly from 6 pm CST till late almost every day doing various activities like leveling, exploration mode on Citadel of Fire, sPvP and WvW. We still looking for experienced MMO players (regardless of amount, no one is pro at this game yet since it’s new) to increase our ranks for WvW and sPvP.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us in-game at Kuwagtx.9360, Lasian.3294, Irysh.7462 or Bronzewing.6374. You can also find us at http://www.facebook.com/OneBadIdea and there is more info here http://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/guilds/guilds/One-Bad-Idea-Sorrow-s-Furnace-NA-active-players-join/first#post118741