Looking for a guild

Looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Orochimaru.3485



I’m looking for a guild (Ehrmy Bay) that does a lot of both PvP and WvW.
I have the commander title but I do need training in it. I’ve mainly been doing sPvP and I would like to do it more with more tournies as well as pick WvW back up. I don’t ever do dungeons so I need a guild that can help me get into those as well.

My contact is Orochimaru.3485


Looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Rangel.8541


Hello there!
Our guild was just made, and we are looking to have people try us out.
We are [GoD] Guardians of Despair, and we are only about two days old. And since we are new, the new spots will be filled with Officer titles.
We are looking to expand, and become a big presence in WvW as well as PvE.
There’s only one catch though, We are situated in Sorrow’s Furnace.
If you want, you could ask for an invite, and guest around before deciding on switching your home server.
Anyways, We’d love to have you as an addition to the guild, and you would definitely be learning about dungeons as well as WvW from some very experienced people.
Thanks for reading this, contact me if you’re interested!

Looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: BurstingPeePee.2840


I’m on Eradon Terrace…why is finding people to play with so difficult? Ugh…

Oki kittena
Sylvari Mesmer

Looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


Hey! We do a LOT of sPvP and WvW (and dungeons)! We would love to have you (but we are on Crystal Desert). We are a medium-large guild (100 members, 80% which are active daily). We do tourneys every Weds and Saturday. We have 5 commanders who would love to help you learn the ropes of commanding.


Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com