(edited by vhaziri.7930)
Looking for a guild (EU)
Dear Vhaziri,
I read your post and thought that you might fit in with our guild [Alph]. From the outset, let me say that we are on Fissure of Woe (EU), not Whiteside Rigde, but I see that you said you’d be willing to transfer. Before doing so, I’d invite you to guest with us to see if we are a good fit for you. We do both PvE and WvW and have members from EU and Oceania/Australia — there’s members on at peak EU times to adventure with, and if you stay up late / get up early / play weekends, then you’ll see the Oceania half of our guild as well.
Our guild information is here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Guild-Wars-2-Guild-Compendium/page/16#post1403185
And our most recent recruitment post is here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Alph-May2013-Recruitment-Fissure-of-Woe/first#post1952876
NB: Our guild chat language is English, but: we have many members able to communicate in more than one EU language, incl Swedish I believe.
Happy to talk more. Feel free to PM or whisper me or our EU coleader in the game.
Best regards on behalf of the Alpharius leadership,
jabberjabber.6804 (Au contact/leader); Tyrotoxism.6238 (EU contact/co-leader)
Guild Leader of Alpharius [Alph]: a PvX guild in Gandara
Hello vhaziri.I hoper you ll find the guild that fits you the best
I want to invite you to XII Aurora Legion.We are an EU PvE/WvW centered guild and we would be glad to have you here
for more info check this post and /w or mail Lol Thackeray if you want to give it a try
Good luck man. I would offer up my guild, but guesting/switch continental servers is a whole other thing of lag and ping that I wouldn’t ask someone to do.
Hope you find a good place soon! <3
Our guild has been inactive for a while but now we’ve decided to start over and revive it! We’re a really nice bunch of friends and I promise you that you will feel welcome the moment you join the guild. It’s family-like and no matter what interests in the game you have we will help you! We’re not like one of these big corporation-like warmachines that call themselves guilds, we’re a guild where you can make friends with everyone and feel respected! There are no requirements, so why don’t you come on and join?
(I originally wrote this message in swedish but it got removed because of it…)
A lot of us are swedish! It looks on your post like TFS is perfect for you. Send me a PM if you wanna join!