Looking for a guild (EU)

Looking for a guild (EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: vhaziri.7930


Hey, I am looking for a guild, because I like doing activities with other people.

I am currently on Whiteside Ridge, but is willing to move to a different (EU) server (been thinking about it anyway, since this one is pretty slow).

I do PvE, but looking to do other stuff as well as I get better, except PvP. I am a pretty casual player so far, though that might change with time, haha. I live in Sweden and mostly play in the afternoon and early night. On weekends I can play until early in the mornings ^^

Simply put, I just want a guild with which I can do stuff with, like exploring, leveling, dungeons etc.

(edited by vhaziri.7930)

Looking for a guild (EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: vhaziri.7930


Still looking ^^.

Looking for a guild (EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: jabberjabber.6804


Dear Vhaziri,

I read your post and thought that you might fit in with our guild [Alph]. From the outset, let me say that we are on Fissure of Woe (EU), not Whiteside Rigde, but I see that you said you’d be willing to transfer. Before doing so, I’d invite you to guest with us to see if we are a good fit for you. We do both PvE and WvW and have members from EU and Oceania/Australia — there’s members on at peak EU times to adventure with, and if you stay up late / get up early / play weekends, then you’ll see the Oceania half of our guild as well.

Our guild information is here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Guild-Wars-2-Guild-Compendium/page/16#post1403185
And our most recent recruitment post is here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Alph-May2013-Recruitment-Fissure-of-Woe/first#post1952876

NB: Our guild chat language is English, but: we have many members able to communicate in more than one EU language, incl Swedish I believe.

Happy to talk more. Feel free to PM or whisper me or our EU coleader in the game.

Best regards on behalf of the Alpharius leadership,
jabberjabber.6804 (Au contact/leader); Tyrotoxism.6238 (EU contact/co-leader)

Commander Aldronia
Guild Leader of Alpharius [Alph]: a PvX guild in Gandara

Looking for a guild (EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: ostpanzer.1475


Hello vhaziri.I hoper you ll find the guild that fits you the best

I want to invite you to XII Aurora Legion.We are an EU PvE/WvW centered guild and we would be glad to have you here
for more info check this post and /w or mail Lol Thackeray if you want to give it a try


Looking for a guild (EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: RedJustice.1548


Good luck man. I would offer up my guild, but guesting/switch continental servers is a whole other thing of lag and ping that I wouldn’t ask someone to do.

Hope you find a good place soon! <3

Looking for a guild (EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: Uzzwick.8457


Our guild has been inactive for a while but now we’ve decided to start over and revive it! We’re a really nice bunch of friends and I promise you that you will feel welcome the moment you join the guild. It’s family-like and no matter what interests in the game you have we will help you! We’re not like one of these big corporation-like warmachines that call themselves guilds, we’re a guild where you can make friends with everyone and feel respected! There are no requirements, so why don’t you come on and join?

all is vain

Looking for a guild (EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: Uzzwick.8457


(I originally wrote this message in swedish but it got removed because of it…)
A lot of us are swedish! It looks on your post like TFS is perfect for you. Send me a PM if you wanna join!

all is vain